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Why Small Business Presidents Are the Best


Why Small Business Presidents Are the Best

(0)Good! Hope episode weekend work

(1)Management request

(2)Large-scale places are hard to check even if the president does as he pleases to look at external investors’ creditors.
(3)I can’t even withdraw money recklessly because of regular tax audits

(4)6 Buy from the president’s home appliance corporation
7 Spending from the president’s child tuition corporation

(5)The monthly salary is accumulated in the bank account, and the living expenses are paid by the corporate card
Vehicle insurance premiums are paid by the corporation

(6)It’s the night shift.
(7)Small business owners take two to three times more than nominal wages
Will they be robbed by tax audits or not robbed
Missing sales, embezzlement of large sums of money, or other specific issues such as real estate purchases, or not.

(8)It’s okay to buy a luxury refrigerator worth 100 million won for the president’s mistress.
If you start a business and post it on the company’s main track rather than stock and real estate investment, it’s not hard to get rich.
If you apply for a loan through accounting fraud, you can get a loan if you are a small manufacturer.

(9)On-site issue


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