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What’s going on with Billa King of Jeonse fraud.


What's going on with Billa King of Jeonse fraud.

(0)Hwagok-dong Kang’s Jeonse fraud network

(1)Transfer of sales contract name

(2)The lessor
Hwagok-dong Kang Clan

(3)Lease agreement

(4)5-15 million won per case

(5)1 to 1.5 million won per case

(6)charter brokerage

(7)Generation 283 victims of jeonse fraud

(8)Establishing a corporation after disappearing

(9)Real estate agent Cho
Hee Real estate agent office

(10)October 2020
February 2021
August 2022

(11)Working as a mediator

E Construction Co., Ltd.
(13)Villa King Kim Dae-sung
Died October 2022

(14)Lease agreement

(15)The 1139 generation of the victims of the jeonse fraud

The Jeonse Fraud Case, also known as Hwagok-dong Kang Clan,
The recent death of King Villa has caused a lot of noise for a while.
I wonder if they were severely punished, but surprisingly, no trial has been held yet.
Nearly four years ago, victims sued them on August 8, 2019.
In August 2020, Gangseo Police Station in Seoul will send it to the prosecution after a year of investigation.
Rather than adding charges with a strict investigation, the prosecution said,
You dragged on the investigation strangely.
He’s been locked in a cabinet for 11 years and nine months.
22 In May 2022, the prosecutor in charge suddenly changed.
3 The changed prosecutor has been investigating the case for five months and delayed again.
In this nearly two-and-a-half-year drag, the main culprit’s body has expired the statute of limitations on one of the main charges. LOL
Prosecutors said Cho was suspected of violating the Certified Real Estate Agents Act, but the statute of limitations expired in May 2022 while the investigation was dragging on, so there was no right to indict him. (Laughs)
And since the investigation network was not closing, the group of jeonse frauds continued openly.
Above all, as the main accomplice of the villa, King Kim, died, much of the truth of the incident was buried.
Tens of billions of lease frauds 14 years old
2 Police investigation takes a year
3 Spent two and a half years without prosecution.
4 In the meantime, the accomplice died and the statute of limitations on some of the principal charges expired.

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