A pregnant woman who paid back her kindness.jpg

A pregnant woman who paid back her kindness.jpg

image text translation

(1)a pregnant woman at the end of her life
(2)It’s time to get off work.
(3)I got on the subway.
(4)A kind gentleman gives it to me.
(6)Let’s say thank you.
(7)I sat down.
(8)She’s a gentleman.
(9)on the collar of a suit
(10)Look at the badge.
(11)the same as the husband
(12)He’s from the company!
(13)I’m so glad to see you.
(14)I’ll go home.
(15)I talked about it.
(16)Gentleman’s description.
(17)a husband who heard
(19)of the next door
(20)I think you’re the chief.
(21)The next day at the company,
(22)I checked it out.
(23)It was your wife.
(24)What a coincidence.
(25)It’s here.
(26)You said it was cool.
(27)to each other
(28)two months later
(29)The chief’s house…
(30)sent by a woman
(31)A postcard has arrived.
(32)Asa, Gijin.
(33)It was printed.
(34)And on the side, like this.
(35)It was written.
(36)The touching moment of that day…
(37)I can’t forget.
(38)The baby at that time…
(39)I was born.
(40)That day, the chief’s…
(41)a crazy drama
(42)It’s started.

This is the most important subject.(Laughs]

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