image text translation
(1)Pure study time.
(2)I only ate one meal when I was a senior.
(3)I didn’t eat breakfast and went to school.
(4)Wait at the cafeteria. I don’t want to waste time eating.
(5)If I don’t eat dinner, I can’t stay up all night.
(6)So I didn’t eat lunch.
(7)23 Problem Solving
(8)language repair
(9)580,000 people watched it.
(10)I’m in the top 158.
(1)Lee Hyesung! When I was a student,image text translation
(2)It was so famous.
(3)He studied at the bus stop for the first time in our school.
(4)Study in the auditorium where you came to the dress test the day before school started.
(5)When I saw you studying on School Meal Day,
(6)He’s a wonderful man across from me who made me legally excluded.
(7)Even if you’re using the computer, hold in your dog’s picture.
(8)If you have a physical education performance evaluation, you’ll be able to practice for 2 hours a day.
(9)I can’t keep up with him.
(10)I bet my entire fortune on going to Seoul National University.
(11)If I do a physical education performance evaluation, I bet this cool person who practices for two hours a day will go to Seoul National University.(Laughs) Welsh onion
(12)Studying at the station.
(13)Evidence photo appears.
(14)엄Be careful of your parents.
(15)While waiting for the bus, I solved the workbook.
(16)I memorized the words while waiting for school lunch.
(17)My parents told me to stop studying.
(18)I was about to rip it off.
(19)When I’m stressed out,
(20)I’m going to eat whatever I want.
(21)Weight up to 34kg 1
(1)Stop studying!image text translation
(2)My mom forced me to turn off the lights and go to sleep.
(3)So I studied secretly to stand up.
(4)Without my mom knowing.
(5)But I had to study like that.
(6)According to himself.
(7)I passed Seoul National University with my butt strength.
(8)I didn’t have a cell phone until I was 20.
(9)Freeseon in his fourth year.
(10)TEL, you chose it.
(11)the Marie Antoinette episode
(13)The king that the people hated the most.
(14)The agency SMCC.
(15)Graduated from Seoul National University in Business Administration
(16)KBS announcer.
(17)Broadcast guitar