image text translation
(1)Don’t get involved in Japan’s boycott. 31 ~
(2)ID Parkcat.
(3)The boycott we want is not a complete boycott of Japan.
(4)Japan is a normal trading partner and has a lot of trade and exchanges.
(5)We like our culture in Japan and we can also like their culture.This is normal.
(6)The targets of the boycott are far-right companies, Japanese government-related, and anti-Korean.
(7)What we want from the boycott is a normal and reasonable relationship with Japan.
(8)In fact, what a complete boycott wants is no different than not to do it.
(9)There’s no need to get involved.
(10)If there’s anyone who insists on that, please shout “Bullshit”.
(11)If there’s a far-right company that’s not boycotting,
(12)If you have a conscience even if you tell me the details, you naturally become distant and boycott it.
Before the opening of the slam dunk, he suddenly began to look at Japan from a cold perspective. (Laughs) (Laughs)
For your information, what they did in the past…
image text translation
(1)Uniqlo Hongdae branch situation jpg 68
(2)”Thumbs up”
(3)an apology at the entrance
(4)a sales announcement
(5)four employees
(6)One foreigner to watch.
(7)During the string performance presentation,
(8)About Korea.
Self-proclaimed Uniqlo patrol. He reported anyone at the entrance. (Laughs) (Laughs)