The story of a single laborer who repaid his kindness.

The story of a single laborer who repaid his kindness.

image text translation

(1)It’s already been 20 years.
(2)I still have vivid memories of that time.
(3)It was a holiday.
(4)There were a lot of burglaries during the homecoming season.
(5)Even if it’s a holiday, I don’t really meet my relatives.
(6)I was just resting at home.
(7)My father happened to have a day off because he didn’t have any work because of the holidays.
(8)I was with my father at work.
(9)I asked you to eat with your foreign working uncles.
(10)As far as I remember, Pakistan and Dagestan.
(11)Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Nimichettan
(12)Anyways, the country that ends with Stan.
(13)I used to work with foreign workers.
(14)You look like a young man with a gun in the middle.
(15)Most of them were naive images.
(16)In real life, Korean might be a bit awkward,
(17)He was very polite and nice.
(18)At that time, my father…
(19)I had a good relationship with foreign workers.
(20)Foreign workers don’t know Korean letters and exchange rates.
(21)Because I don’t have enough money to pay.
(22)I’ll go to the office and find out.
(23)He accepted the money.
(24)When I moved, I used my father’s van to help him.
(25)He helped me with every little thing.
(26)And my mother used to work in medical equipment.
(27)If anyone in the family is sick,
(28)Medicine, medical devices, etc.
(29)It’s common in my country.
(30)I was looking for a lot of things that are hard to get in that country.
(31)I saved him and stuff like that’s all.
(32)Maybe because of that, my mom…
(33)Sometimes when I go to work to pick up my dad,
(34)It’s a short Korean word for foreign labor.
(35)”My sister-in-law and Hyunsoo, fighting with each other.
(36)He said he was very thankful.
(37)Then, my dad said, “It’s a holiday”.
(38)I asked them if they’d eat properly.
(39)My mom said to my dad,
(40)They told me to bring them home.
(41)When foreign workers work,
(42)It’s okay because the place I work takes care of food.
(43)You have to send money home when you don’t have work.
(44)He said he’d save money and cook ramen.
(45)I guess I was worried.
(46)We all ate dinner together at home that day.
(47)We’ll show our family photos.
(48)We talked about our hometowns.
(49)When the atmosphere is ripe,
(50)A dog that doesn’t usually bark.
(51)He’s been growling in the living room for a while.
(52)”What’s wrong with Carrie?”
(53)My mother thinks it’s weird.
(54)My father asked me if I just passed by.
(55)I was going to ignore it.
(56)Oh, my. Lock it up.
(57)Masood’s one-lover face…
(58)Everyone is telling me to be quiet as it hardens.
(59)Listen carefully. It’s faint.
(60)I can hear the clicking sound.
(61)It’s not a password-type door lock that comes out these days.
(62)It was a lock that you can open with that key.
(63)There’s no alarm sound.
(64)There’s no sound to press the password.
(65)If you weren’t a sensitive person, you wouldn’t know that.
(66)And then the moment I said “uhhhhhhhhhhhh”
(67)I heard the door open.
(68)My dad said, “Who are you?” and left.
(69)Masood, who was right next to me,
(70)We got up and followed him.
(71)Was it a driver?
(72)Anyway, eye contact with Dodong with a tool in his hand.
(73)I don’t know if it’s a robber or a thief.
(74)It was a very dangerous moment.

The story of a single laborer who repaid his kindness.

image text translation

(1)All-hu Ak-bar!! Allah is great!!
(2)If you watch Masood’s war video of the war in the Arab war,
(3)Shout out the song that comes out often.
(4)Like I met an enemy who killed my parents.
(5)I ran in a rush.
(6)I’ve been thinking about whether I remember it wrong.
(7)I’m sure he shouted like that.
(8)I didn’t know what this meant.
(9)I thought you were cursing in your own language.
(10)Suddenly, the sound of looking for Allah from the front door
(11)Because it’s loud.
(12)My mother screamed in surprise.
(13)I’ll call the police.
(14)The rest of the workers who were sitting down,
(15)They all ran out of the kitchen.
(16)Masood came at me.
(17)There’s a few more people popping out of the kitchen.
(18)The thief freaked out and ran away.
(19)In the meantime, at the front door of the single laborer,
(20)They can’t keep up with me because I’m wearing shoes.
(21)I was so scared of thieves.
(22)Did your legs lose strength while running away?
(23)a tumble on the stairs
(24)I hope you enjoy your evening because of the thief.
(25)I’m sure you’ll be able to see a lot of frustrated Middle Eastern warriors
(26)I swear in Arabic and Korean alternately.
(27)You start to have courage like a dog.
(28)Dad, stop hitting the do-dong guy.
(29)Start stopping foreign workers.
(30)Of course, in my life,
(31)It was the most bloody sight I’ve ever seen.
(32)The uncles of one laborer who thought they were naive
(33)He was screaming and hitting me, and he was really scared.
(34)The thief keeps resisting to escape.
(35)Amir must be really angry.
(36)My father was working on the field.
(37)There were some tools in the bag.
(38)Amir was so immersed in it.
(39)”You punk! You wash your hands!”
(40)Holding a shovel that was on the bongo.
(41)He’s approaching like he’s going to be beheading.
(42)My mother and the other labourers.
(43)It’s a mess.
(44)The thief didn’t hand him over to the police.
(45)I saw Amir trying to hand it over to Allah.
(46)I don’t know if he felt threatened.
(47)He’s the only one who doesn’t want to beat him.
(48)I grabbed my father’s trouser pants to stop the only labourers.
(49)Help me. Call the police. What the hell!
(50)Thanks to the Arabian Nights,
(51)A thief who’s been subdued to the perfect level.
(52)What do you mean run away?
(53)I had no choice but to curl up on the floor and tremble.
(54)Because of the sound of beating a do-dong guy.
(55)The whole neighborhood is in a mess.
(56)Is it because there are a lot of reports?
(57)Two patrol cars arrived real quick then.
(58)About 10 minutes.
(59)When I opened the door, there was a bend on the front door.
(60)Broken locks and…
(61)I showed you the tools I had when I came in.
(62)Straighten up with free pass without question
(63)Because of the commotion, the neighbors came to see us.
(64)I asked my mom and dad what happened.
(65)Wow, foreigners.
(66)Shouldn’t we give them the Brave Citizen Award?
(67)I was like that.
(68)The Brave Citizen Award is Nimmy.
(69)Because the Middle Eastern warriors sold the thief.
(70)be called to the police in groups for questioning
(71)How did it get released?
(72)When you beat him up,
(73)I was really scared of Middle East warriors.
(74)When I went to the police station,
(75)He’s the thief.
(76)Why are we being taken?
(77)Are we going to jail?
(78)Are we getting kicked out?
(79)It’s unfair. We all grabbed my father and wept.
(80)Fortunately, I wasn’t kicked out.
(81)If you don’t stop Amir,
(82)If you’ve been shoveled,
(83)I think all the parties are going to jail.
(84)It was close, but fortunately, it went well.
(85)Even afterwards, my mom and dad…
(86)I used to call foreign workers often, but it was like meat beer.
(87)Everyone is saying that Korea is so much.
(88)I want to live with my family. That’s what happened.
(89)I don’t know how you’re doing.


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