It’s a luxury to be called Ki Hoon Gi Reggie.

It's a luxury to be called Ki Hoon Gi Reggie.

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(1)It’s a luxury to be called a guirigee.
(2)In addition to Kim Man-bae, dozens of reporters
(3)Providing money and valuables such as golf entertainment
(4)Input 2023162203
(5)▼ 1A is…
(6)Reporter Lee Myung-sun, review pressiancom.
(7)It has been confirmed that Kim Man-bae, a major shareholder of Hwacheon Daeyu, provided bribes to dozens of other reporters in addition to the executives of the JoongAng Ilbo.
(8)According to an SBS news report on the 6th, the prosecution confirmed that Kim’s money flowed to reporters other than media executives in the process of tracking down the funds related to Kim Man-bae.
(9)It is known that dozens of people were given 1 million won to millions of won per person through golf entertainment.

It's a luxury to be called Ki Hoon Gi Reggie.

image text translation

(1)Look at the spirit of Buss and News. Look at the articles. Hahaha
(2) executive B also received 90 million won from Kim in 2019, and prosecutors suspect the price of B, citing that he wrote a column to the effect that the Daejang-dong investigation was inappropriate to shake the presidential race in October last year.
(3)In addition, executive C reportedly received 100 million won in 2020 and D, an executive of legal team, also received an expensive luxury gift from Kim in November 2018, adding that the reporters refused to answer why they received the money and gifts.
(4)Reporter Park Dohee.

It's a luxury to be called Ki Hoon Gi Reggie.

image text translation

(1)two hours ⓒ
(2)Get 600 million won from Kim Manbae and talk about your conscience.
(3)You’ve written such a monstrous column criticizing the Democratic Party on the Korean page.
(4)That conscience is amazing. Draw it.
(5)No one in the editorial department can guarantee a conscience. Seok Jinhwan Column mhanicokr
(6)Desire and emotion are huge icebergs and human reason is an island floating very small on top of it. Life is for this weak reason to rule the animals in me for the rest of my life. I have no choice but to be careful and careful until the end of my life. The human conscience must never be guaranteed.
(7)I read and mulled over this line for myself, which I saw in a newspaper column last week. There is a diagnosis that Korea’s mainstream forces have changed. The era of progressive reform forces thinking that they have the upper hand in conscience and morality is passing. No one can guarantee a conscience.


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