image text translation
(3)It’s the first time!
(4)We need to find the telecommunications desk.
(5)It’s our first time. We finally arrived in Korea.
(6)Here it is.
(7)It’s the first time in Korea.
(8)Team Wi-Fi rental location forest
(9)Arrival at carrier desk
(10)Let’s make it five days.
(11)Korea Travel Day 1. Finally arrived in Korea.
(12)It’s my first time #
(13)I’m going to do a few.
(14)It’s the first time. 4.
(15)One for each. Yes, since there are three of us.
(16)It’s the first time.
(17)3 Wi-Fi routers
(18)Travel to Korea Day 1.
(19)It’s my first time. I finally arrived in Korea.
(20)a waiting list
(21)We can use a router together.
(23)Yes, hello.
(24)the Suncheon atmosphere
(25)We finally arrived in Korea.
(26)I’m going to use the Wi-Fi router for 5 days.
(27)I need it!
(28)We finally arrived in Korea.
(29)Three devices.
(30)It’s our first time. We’re finally in Korea.
(31)Three people can use one.
(32)Do you still need three?
(33)It’s my first time # I finally arrived in Korea
(35)In Korea, it’s Korea.
(36)Travel Day 1.
(37)It’s the first time.
(38)When I was on the phone…
(39)I need to be next to you.
(40)It’s 44,000 won per device.
(41)Trip to Korea Day 1.
(42)I’m sorry, but how many euros is 44,000 won?
(43)It’s our first time. We finally arrived in Korea.
(44)a telecommunications worker
(45)It’s 31-32 euros.
(46)Origin 31-32
(47)It’s our first time. We’re finally in Korea.
(48)It’s really nice.
(49)trip in Korea
(50)I want to pay 30 euros and call my wife alone lol
(51)I admit it.
Country of Lovers