Legend of an investment master’s war prediction.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

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(1)Market Updates
(2)I Market Update
(3)Inquiry 197 Comments 7↓
(4)Adieu 2021 Thanksgiving Day.
(5)Enjoy the magic bargain. >
(6)Hey, you can get a present, too! It’s a toy gift certificate. I want to play Doo Kids.
(7)Bitcoin is near the short-term bottom.
(8)It’s gonna bounce back here.
(9)I don’t know if I can go over 60k.
(10)The drop came in the process of pre-reflecting the FOMC meeting on the 14th.
(11)Plus, it’s the end of the year and the coinage was good this year.
(12)Enter comments

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

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(1)The U.S. stock market is also likely to finally hit a high point and give at least 20 to 30 adjustments.
(2)Inflation is expected to remain high next year.
(3)That is why raw material sectors such as gold and crude oil are considered promising.
(4)And there’s a lot of talk about the war.
(5)I don’t think there’s any chance that China will hit Taiwan within 3 years.
(6)The probability that Russia will invade Ukraine by next spring is 50.
(7)I think that’s all.
(8)If war breaks out, energy prices will soar again.
(9)I think this is likely to be the detonator of the stock market.
(10)Lastly, I thought about the conditions for bitcoin to exceed 100 million.
(11)GBTC premium is stuck again above 10 or spot etf is passed.
(12)These two conditions are not macho, and going to Tax Reserve SARS02 is a hideout.

– Posted in mid-December 2021

Around the spring of 2022, there was a war in Ukraine.

U.S. markets likely to be adjusted due to rising energy prices

– Three months later, the war broke out, and energy prices actually rose in the aftermath, and the U.S. stock market is being adjusted in real time.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.
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(1)Market Updates
(2)I Market Update
(3)Inquiry 216 Comments 13 ↓
(4)Leather No. 1 Rappage Store.
(5)A must-have item for this spring! Buffing leather jacket
(6)Ranking No. 1 special price.
(7)23 different colors and new designs!It’s an amazing benefit that you can’t see again if it’s not now
(8)15 extra drives, up to 21 masters.
(9)Buffing Leather Collection
(10)Rappage Store
(11)I’m still alive.
(12)Aborted at 415k and shorted at 442k again
(13)This time, it’s 5 times higher.
(14)If this fails, I’m determined to cut the seed.
(15)No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
(16)Enter comments

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

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(1)In the case of the 3 NASDAQ, the rebound is not strong compared to the VIX’s absence, which is seen as a typical dead cat bounce.
(2)I’ve been trading in the U.S. market since 2017 before I made a beat, but if it seems to make a low point and rebound in the strong market, I’m inexperienced.
(3)In order for the Nasdaq to hit a low and rebound, the Federal Reserve must eventually adjust the pace of tightening as inflation appears to be catching up.
(4)Until then, it’s still open downward.
(5)The situation in Ukraine and Russia is not something I know, so referring to the opinions of other experts,
(6)It’s just an excuse for Russia to fall over NATO.
(7)In reality, the biggest purpose is to annex Ukraine to Russia.
(8)Putin is a nationalist and from Putin’s point of view, Ukrainian does not exist.
(9)To think of yourself as a Ukrainian is to be a Polish or Russian who confused his identity.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

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(1)Putin is a nationalist and from Putin’s point of view, Ukrainian does not exist.
(2)To think of yourself as a Ukrainian is to be a Polish or Russian who confused his identity.
(3)Currently, Ukraine’s Kiev region interprets the situation as a land where their people originally lived.
(4)The possibility of a diplomatic agreement seems to be less than 10, as we continue to make unreasonable demands on NATO because we are planning to go to war anyway.
(5)Specifically, the time when troops gather to the point where an all-out war is possible is around February 15th.
(6)From then on, if you make up your mind within half a day, you will be able to operate.
(7)It took the U.S. 130 days to gather troops when they went to war with Iraq in 2003, and now Russia has been preparing for war on the border since November.
(8)It’s 90 days to get ready, but it’s not a surprise, it’s a thoroughly calculated action.
(9)For your information, Russia and China already signed a non-aggression treaty in 2019, and I think there must have been some kind of bogus agreement with Jjangkkae since then.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

image text translation

(1)It’s 90 days to get ready, but it’s not a surprise, it’s a thoroughly calculated action.
(2)For your information, Russia and China already signed a non-aggression treaty in 2019, and I think there must have been some kind of agreement with the Jjangkkae since then.
(3)Everyone thinks the best time to invade is between February 15 and early March.
(4)Everyone’s wrong about this because it’s called Rasputica, and the ground gets muddy.
(5)Rather, it’s because it costs a lot to leave the troops on standby for such a long time.
(6)It’s not the time of World War II, and paved roads and railways are all over Russia and Ukraine anyway.
(7)Rasputica has nothing to do with the war.
(8)The equipment that the Russians took to the border is the ones that could be used to channel the river, and the Black Sea fleet is preparing for landing.
(9)The war would take the form of crossing the Dnieper River and at least taking Odessa Kiev.
(10)From Putin’s point of view, taking less Ukraine is a risk.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.

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(1)The war would take the form of crossing the Dnieper River and at least taking Odessa Kiev.
(2)From Putin’s point of view, taking less Ukraine is a risk.
(3)This is because the more unoccupied areas are, the more all of them become potential insurgents.
(4)So if we start a war, we’re going to take over the territory as much as we can, and then we’re going to deploy security forces to assimilate the population.
(5)5 I definitely felt it when I saw this rise, but now it’s PvP hard mode.
(6)Since I declared a high point last November and there is no money flowing from outside from now on,
(7)I said it would be a thorough stealer, but I think it’s definitely going that way.

– February 9, 2022 14 days before the war broke out.

When everyone says there’s no war,

I’ve got accurate information, and I’ve got a war scenario going forward.

1 Russia is highly likely to not see any diplomatic agreement with Ukraine.

2 There is some kind of agreement between China and Russia.

3 About the initial operations that the Russian military will carry out.

Take as much territory as you can. Attempt to land in the Black Sea fleet.

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.
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(1)I told you my position.
(2)■ I told you my position.
(3)Inquiry 378 Comments 20↓
(4)Happy Shopping SK Stoa
(5)Beauty Best Competition! Up to 10 off 10 points
(6)See more
(7)If you didn’t read the comments, there’s nothing you can do.
(8)I’m going to buy gold and silver starting next year.
(9)Since March 2020, the market capitalization has increased by 20-30 times.
(10)As of July-August last year, Ethereum is 10 times more in kind.
(11)Solar, since the beginning of January, it’s 100 times more.

Gold growth forecast for Nov. 2021

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.
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Gold rises since November 2021 when it has been on a roll

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.
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(1)I, get ready to get out of the coin market.
(2)Inquiry 281 Comment 16 ↓
(3)Relationship on
(4)a guard premium
(5)a guard for the joints
(6)Ho Kwan-won Joint Health MSM Seaweed Calcium Knee Pain Improvement Joint Stiffness Consultation with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s Approved Raw Material Headquarters
(7)I’m taking out what I’m holding in kind from now on.
(8)between December this year and January next year at the latest.
(9)Except for the NFT and coins that I buried with the intention of fighting,
(10)I’m going to cash everything and move on to the stock, real estate, and raw materials market.
(11)I think I’m going to keep hitting presents, but I don’t
(12)Enter comments

Coin Crash Forecast on Nov. 14, 2021

Legend of an investment master's war prediction.
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After a while, most coins, including Bitcoin, slumped.

Price has not recovered to date

The writer is a gallery celebrity who is currently in hiding.

Coin’s November plunge gold and gold hit all macroeconomic trends, including raw materials

It’s really hard to prove that the seed was -> 20 billion won in a year.

I think we need this kind of insight to make money from investment.

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