Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)a stock chat
(2)Retire to Tesla with 1 Billion 85v
(3)ID SPACEBALLS wrote, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(4)Tesla to Buy Full at 1 Billion
(5)Expected annual stock price increase rate is conservatively set at 30 and is expected to be more than 50
(6)Its assets increased exponentially every year, at 339.51 billion, 666.6 billion, 1.1 billion, 1.41 billion, 1.94 billion, and 2.4 billion.
(7)The cost of living is managed at a level where the total amount of the loan covered by the stock mortgage does not exceed 10 of the asset.
(8)The reason for 10 is to prevent them from being liquidated even if half of the damage occurs.
(9)If you live on your own for the first few years, your loan availability has increased like crazy since then.
(10)○ Explosive growth in assets
(11)If this year’s FSD development is considered bullish, I’m going to retire next year with a billion won.
(12)View other posts from SPACEBALLS >
(13)Keep an eye on comments 85.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)Everyone’s Park
(2)I sold my house and moved to monthly rent. 162
(3)Tesla Mall Bread
(4)I wanted to live in an old, bigger, new complex, but I couldn’t see how to get to a big house by increasing my loan. I didn’t have the confidence to pay back the principal and interest for a long time.
(5)Then I thought about selling my house to invest and paying monthly rent as a return on investment.
(6)I looked into the sale and found that the conversion rate of rent in the neighborhood was around 38.
(7)I’ll invest anything with the money to pay the lease deposit, and I’ll pay the monthly rent if I make a profit of four.
(8)However, I’m increasing the number of pyeong, so after selling my house and repaying the loan, I only leave less than the lease price, so I have to make a slightly higher profit than 4 to maintain my life, not – than before.
(9)But I was confident that I would get over 20 per year, so I decided to take the risk right away.
(10)I found a precious monthly rent with a deposit of only 100 million won in the complex I usually saw, and I persuaded my wife and paid a provisional deposit that day.
(11)Now, when the balance comes in next month, I plan to invest everything. Now that I don’t have a loan, I’m going to settle the monthly rent with my salary as much as I can, and I’m going to skip my investment little by little or use stock mortgage loans.
(12)- Can become rich by investing in blue-chip assets with a deposit
(13)- Improve quality of life with flat water and complex changes
(14)- loan disappearance
(15)- Risk of investment failure
(16)- Risk of a steep increase in monthly rent prices in the future
(17)- Risk of soaring real estate
(18)Conclusion Don’t contribute to the growth of the landlord’s assets by renting a house.
(19)Let’s buy a monthly rent and try to increase my assets.
(20)View other posts from SPACEBALLS >
(21)Comments 162.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)Tesla TSLA Nasdaq Stock Exchange
(2)After Market US 0103 1824
(3)Daily salary, weekly salary, monthly salary, 1 day, 3 months, 1 year, 3 years, 10 years.
(4)Local currency US 0103 1600 market closed
(5)View more chart disclaimer ①
(6)52 weeks minimum 52 weeks high

A collection of comments at the time.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)Keep an eye on the comments 162.
(2)If the price of the house is stable, the monthly rent is good.
(3)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread.
(4) Donghwan, I think it’s not bad to move to a new house every two to four years.
(5)20% annual income.
(6)You’re amazing. 4% is hard to be confident in investing.
(7)I’m curious about the method. Whether it’s stock fund bonds or real estate, or if you’re investing in a really difficult field,
(8)Report empathy.
(9)ID SPACEBALLS wrote, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(10) Sulkyumnim, I’m the only one in Tesla bread.
(11)”Fan ID” said,
(12)You don’t have to tie a large sum of money to a lease on an annual return of 20 percent.
(13) One-way Life, that’s right. I don’t think I need to buy a house in the future.
(14)I’m applying to leave Berlin. sir
(15)The legal maximum interest rate of a loan company is 20, which will make cash flow every month.
(16)I respect your annual return on investment.
(17) I’m applying to leave Berlin, I’m trying to cover my cash flow with my salary as much as possible, and I’m not going to reduce the amount of assets invested. We believe we’ll be able to get to the safe zone pretty quickly if it grows as planned.
(18)You’re amazing. You’re very practical.
(19)You’re a true capitalist.
(20)I hope you succeed!
(21) Thank you, “Fan ID”. Not with capitalism
(22)I think there is a high risk of failure to prepare for retirement.
(23)Report of Mention and Empathy
(24)”Fan ID” said,
(25)You have the heart of a beast!!! Good luck to you. Of course, success…
(26)I beg you!!!!
(27) spark76 Actually, I have a lot of faith in the investment target.
(28)I’m not scared of cooking.
(29)Wow, I can’t do this because I’m a scaredy-cat.
(30)It’s amazing that you persuaded your wife.Ji
(31) I think it took about 5 minutes.
(32)an annual income of 20 percent
(34) nextlsaiah, even if you’re an American investor, you can train.
(35)10 Looking at the above, it looks better than the lease.
(36)ID Kukusake.
(37)I hope I can read the comments again as a success story.
(38)ID Tesla Mall Bread.
(39) Kukusake, it was a success in less than three years at the earliest. I can evaluate it.
(40)I’m looking forward to it.
(41)”Fan ID” said,
(42)The advantage of loans is that forced savings are free to spend money elsewhere.
(43)I hope you succeed enough to persuade me.
(44)You will do it. Do you park?
(45) But if you lose your job, you’ll be able to talk about it.
(46)Think about whether it’s overdue and you need to sell your house urgently.
(47)I don’t have any.
(49)I’m so jealous. My wife and I will never be able to do this.
(50)It’s a plan.
(51)I wish you good luck.
(52)ID Tesla Mall Bread.
(53) voice82 says, “Let’s count the companies we’re going to change.”
(54)There’s a study test, trust, and life.a matter of explanation
(55)”Fan ID”.
(56)Your spouse’s consent is very simple. In that case, it’s my house.^^ Report of actual sympathy
(57)Slit back ripper pair matching square fit 박 foil
(58)Nim Tesla Mall
(59) Thank you, Keyman. I’ll brainwash you.Many fans are talking about Tesla.
(60)I fell in love with him.
(61)I’m sure it was hard for you to join us to pray for success.
(62)Tesla Mall
(63)”Fan ID,” I signed a contract to persuade you for one day.Each
(64)Thank you.
(65)kinkin 님
(66)Earn more than your monthly rent!^^
(67) ki Actually, wouldn’t it be Olnkin? It went up by 50 and increased the monthly rent for 10 years.
(68)Chinese ni-bo-can
(70)Scaredy-cats like me can’t even try.
(71)Tesla Mall
(72)I think it’s intensifying because she’s hony8’s older sister, and she’s braver with the universe, mentioner symp
(73)Don’t invest.
(74)In a capitalist society, the investment fee is…
(76)It’s not easy to withstand MCAGR’s-50DD at least five years a year.I’m sure you did it, but if possible, put it in.
(77)But it’s…
(80) ones, I’ve had basic experience with making 100 profits. Sol is small. There’s been a quantity score since the beginning of the second. I did 50 locks.It’s made of bitter taste to buy it.
(81)It was good.
(82)It’s going to be doubled by the year.
(83)This time, Taeui’s arrival will be used for sale, and I will approach him as a more common type of asset.
(84)leading to a crash
(85)ID Gujinran.
(86)I’m rooting for you! Please give me good news often!
(87) Goo Woon-ran, I look forward to it this year. I hope we can share it once.
(88)I’m confident that I’m good at 20 pitches. Warren Buffett, let’s cry.
(90) Mr. Skypool, Warren Buffett said he already knew he was rich when he was young.
(91)It’ll work.
(92)The stock investment system is not a difficult problem to solve together with the originating company, but because it is sometimes a belief.
(93)I hope you can maintain a good opinion.
(95)I believe you’re good.
(96)”Fan ID”, there aren’t many long-term loan payments of 3L.
(97)If you like it,
(98)It’s rich, but until then, it’s been 4020 years since I’ve been paying you back.
(99)It’s usually 30 years older than now to expect better cow-like economic power than it is now.
(100)Fuji, please.
(101)Since it is a multi-economy and falling, it is difficult to pay back with a long-term loan when it is active, which is why it is harmonized with Soseung’s play.
(102)an abandoned house
(103)If the government is doing the end of the long-term life as a safe and stable job, a private company is included.
(104)I’m not doing it here.
(105) Howdy5, I’m not confident because I think it’s going to be difficult to have a stable work life in the future.I’m going to use my house and my stock to look for an early retirement opportunity.Mention, empathy report.
(106)to be served
(107)Do you have a track record of earning 20 points a year?Your confidence alone is a big adventure.I think it’s worth it if it’s still 30 years ago or if the investment exceeds 1 billion won.Retries
(110)Are you coming in? I’m not worried that people in their 40s are going to be too much.Trusting the O and employees of the CE industry, investment is not a good company with just 1 billion won.
(111)The same.
(112)have faith in Hamjeo
(114)I’m looking forward to your review.
(115)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, Yesece, I’ll report it quarterly.T-mention
(116)Mickey20, I’m rooting for you. I was worried about having a house in another area.
(117)I’ve just finished fishing. It’s much better.
(118)To decide on the penalty.
(119)a money that is rolling around and buying a monthly rent in a lot of money.
(120)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, Mickey 20… 10 Statistically, it’s hard to understand.
(121)It wasn’t even a crazy one.Report of Mention and Empathy
(122)Mickey20 님
(123)I think the answer is to include SPACEBALLS. In terms of hapgogae Pass, I’m a basket of fund managers.
(124)a low price
(125)No, it’s not.
(126)ID NightCloud.
(127)Isn’t it like Warren Buffett if the annual income is 20%? 적ㄷ
(128)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, Night Cloud, and I respect Waran Buffett also believed in business and capitalism, and I see the profit possible because he is an exceptional genius.That’s what happened.
(129)Righteousness is not good fortune.
(130)I’m old enough to go down the same road as Geppet. I don’t understand.
(131)trust in
(132)I’m sorry, but I’m sorry.
(133)I’m just glad you’re not my husband.
(134)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, Yuljak, I laughed a lot thanks to you. Thank you. Report the comments and empathy.
(135)From Uaena Futurism.
(136)I’m also the monthly rent of TREASURE MAKERAM. That’s cool. Wouldn’t it be better?an old man
(137)Oh, my.
(138)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, Uaena Futurism, I also have a wife and two young sons.
(139)It’s long.
(140)We’re here on a pilgrimage. Please let us win the lottery. Report the comments.
(141)SPACEBALLS, if you buy Nim Tesla stock rather than Tesla’s Mall Bbangman Lotto, it’s 100.
(142)I’ll be rich.
(143)Chocolate clean.
(144)Please write a review after you succeed! I’ll look forward to it!a big report of sympathy
(145)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread Cochlan! Actually, it’s a company that’s hard to achieve, so it’s hard to come once in a lifetime.mention
(146)It’s Tesla.
(147)affection for
(148)30. Is this conservative?
(149)It’s kind of scary.
(150)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, sales of more than 50 are very likely to grow after several years of sales by the Emperor.
(151)I’m looking forward to the growth of Goeai Teslabot for more than 10 years.Report of sympathy.
(152)Because I’m in the middle of it’s called Munseong.
(153)ID ROUN SPACEBALLS, in 10 years,Frozen
(154)Sympathy report level
(155)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, ROUNN, 10 years ago, it’s already hundreds of dollars based on the valuation, so it could be moving to index investment or other better companies came out and changed.
(156)Bubukdae of Korea
(157)I think 100 million won is enough for me to retire because I’m getting fired.a report of sympathy for
(158)I don’t have
(159)It’s a good job, but I don’t know if 30 years of growth is a conservative approach.
(160)I guess you’re going to have a mother-to-child relationship.
(161)ID SPACEBALLS, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(162)Sales growth was seen as 50 in the long run by -_-, but yesterday Elon said it would be more than 70 to 80 in the short run.bohemian
(163)With that kind of growth, I think stock price growth of 30 is pretty conservative.
(164)”Fan ID” said,
(165)Conservative 30
(166)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread Neoburiyamyam, the expected growth was so good that I reported the consensus.
(167)Phones The most common stock in Korea is Teuxlas, not long-term investment, but it’s a grateful stock that gives you a lot of money if you don’t do it because it’s a stock that will go up every time you’re sure.
(169)Lille County
(170)no punishment
(171)SPACEBALLS, Tesla Mall Bread, phones, the short hit was a cash flow in the early retirement.
(173)Each mouth…
(174)ID Sugar Rabbit.
(175)I’m looking at it positively. But how can I persuade my wife? ^^
(176)I hope you’ll be able to enjoy it.
(177)Today, he showed how he was seriously thinking about how to use his crazy assets. It wasn’t that difficult.ID Sugar Rabbit.
(180)I hope you have a good night. A success review.
(181)It’s working!
(182)Please let me go
(183)ID SPACEBALLS wrote, “Tesla Mall Bread is a success”.
(184)When should I post it? Even if I grow up to 50 reviews in 3 years, I’m going to be half successful. Will you remember me then? If you want to watch, please post it on Twitter simpai Palter.
(186)ProNAS 님
(187)The expected stock price increase rate is conservatively set at 30. This is the problem.
(188)It’s a bull market, but it’s going to be hard on the bear market
(189)Stocks are fluctuating.
(190)All bread.
(191)If the stock price rises before the plan of roNAS, we should consider keeping the cost of living for this year in advance. P
(193)Moderate 님
(194)Instead of just selling it in 30 years, I plan to sell it in installments for 3,000 won in 5 years.That
(195)If the value of an ai company that sells 20 million cars a year, which is never in the stock market, is less than that, which company can grow.
(196)For your information, it belongs to a relatively safe group of assets in the Tefortfolio. ^^; I’m…
(197)No matter how much I think about it, all the things I’m thinking about are bound to grow, and it’s an industry that has a high competitive advantage, so Modera is…

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)ID Happy78.
(2)How’s the profit margin going?
(3)ID SPACEBALLS wrote, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(4) Joy78, I bought a lot of expensive things, so the yield was negative not too long ago.
(5)I don’t have to worry. They won’t sell it anyway because of the good returns, and the cost of living doesn’t change depending on the stock price.Mention, empathy report.
(6)Dear Ulman.
(7)We’re on a pilgrimage. Please let us win the lottery.
(8)ID SPACEBALLS, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(9)If you buy Tesla stock rather than the Lotto, you’ll get 100.
(10)I’ll be rich.
(11)Legendary fruit flies.
(12)It’s not an easy chapter. You must have collected it.
(13)Tesla Mall Bread
(14) The legendary fruit fly’s performance came out so well that it’s a shame that the amount I bought in the 1,000th place was big.
(15)Now I just have to wait. I’m looking forward to winning the first place in the market capitalization in two years.
(16)Report of Mention and Empathy
(17)ID ChocoClean.
(18)Please write a review after you succeed! I’ll look forward to it!
(19) “Fan ID,” it’s hard not to succeed. Tesla.
(20)It’s a company that you can’t come to once in your life.

for a while

a strong scale

I’ve tried it.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)SPACEBAL’s nickname 쪽Send a page ◎ Block Memo
(2)Herman Miller Aeron Fullfeng is booking a market.
(3)a crab root.knot
(4)The Grandeur ig wipers are genuine.
(5)Guldang Grandeur ig Pure Wiper Check Method 7108-31
(6)After reading the “Pore Milk Distribution” post,
(7)Herman Miller Aeron Fullfeng is booking a market.
(8)Sell your pores, move it to monthly rent. xxxx! x8
(9)This is a deleted post by Pore Manager.

The number of posts has decreased since Tesla’s collapse, but has disappeared since October.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)Herman Miller Airon Full Function C size sale during reservation
(2)ID SPACEBALLS wrote, “Tesla Mall Bread”.
(3)a good living scratch
(4)The transaction has been completed.
(5)Summer of 2020.
(6)Seohyun of Bundang
(7)I bought it at the Innobad store in Yeoksam and it’s in good condition.
(8)It is said that the 10-year warranty is possible at the new importer even if the importer fails.
(9)It’s full function. Please refer to the attached picture for detailed model names.
(10)You can come to the office in Seohyeon and sit down and decide.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)1,100,000 won.
(2)Summer of 2020.
(3)Seohyun of Bundang
(4)I bought it from Innobad in Yeoksam and it’s in good condition.
(5)It is said that the 10-year warranty is possible at the new importer even if the importer fails.
(6)It’s full function. Please refer to the attached picture for detailed model names.
(7)You can come to the office in Seohyeon and sit down and decide.
(8)Please have a seat and we can take you to a nearby location.

Evaporating behind the circumstances of Herman Miller’s used transaction to earn 1 million won due to struggling with living expenses and monthly rent.

load directly from a direct transactionUntil I give it to you.

Clien user who sold his house and sold it to Tesla.jpg

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(1)Parkychi 님
(2)Are you alive? I’ve been checking your posts since March.
(3) Parkychi Even if you live, you live with your wife.
(4)I don’t think so.

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