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A girlfriend who dated for 4 years cheated on her and broke up.


A girlfriend who dated for 4 years cheated on her and broke up.

image text translation

(1)After 4 years of dating, my girlfriend cheated on me.
(2)22 1 1 day before Go
(3)I was breaking up with my ex-girlfriend whom I met for the first time, and she said that my ex-boyfriend
(4)He was a piece of crap. He was breaking up with me.
(5)We met like this, organized it, and lived together for 4 years.
(6)I’ve been stuck for four years, and for the first two years, we’ve been working together.
(7)We’ve been together for almost 24 hours. We didn’t want to get married in the first place.
(8)I’ve been talking about marriage since my second year.
(9)After a year of thinking, yes, I said let’s get married in two years. My age now.
(10)Now 31 is my girlfriend 27. Is it a problem that we were too close?
(11)I didn’t go out of Jinseong’s house at all. I’m not lying. It’s been a year.
(12)I’m not sure if I’ll go for a day or not, but I’ll just stay at home.
(13)I went back and forth for about a year without settling down.It’s a progressive form.
(14)When did you start to talk to someone who didn’t do kakaotalk a lot and gets annoyed?
(15)I was sleeping with my friend after drinking a lot one day.
(16)I heard another guy on the phone, and I was interrogating him, and he passed me once.
(17)I heard that it will be deleted on the first day of the new year after a month.
(18)I questioned my friend because it was a situation where I was bound to be suspicious.I came in after 24 hours.
(19)I got to know a man like me who only met twice in half a year.
(20)I’m going to go home after I pack all my things, but I can’t live without you. I’m selfish.
(21)It’s hard to live, so if I reset his phone number and Kakao Talk,
(22)I can’t give you my phone number. Okay, I got it. What?
(23)What’s the point of breaking up with
(24)I’m sure.
(25)It breaks my heart. I’ve only shown you how frustrated I am.
(26)It’s not like that. You’re the only one who keeps saying that you’
(27)I guess I lost the words too much.
(28)I don’t know if I should live or not, but if that’s the case,
(29)It must be hard.

A girlfriend who dated for 4 years cheated on her and broke up.

image text translation

(1)The end of four years of dating is a mess.
(2)Rivaduk 22 1 1 day ago ⊙ 4574
(3)I don’t like sharing things, so I’m just going to write the main text, but one more.
(4)I’m writing it down. I’m reading and engraving good words and words that connecting them.
(5)It was a great comfort and thank you. I thought it was meaningless to do a community like this, but I feel a great comfort.
(6)It should be as similar as I think. When we meet, it seems to be divided into “Let’s meet more,” but I think it’s right to break up. I don’t intend to meet you because you keep texting me. The phone call to say that I’ve made up my mind.
(7)I’m just blocked because I’m heartbroken. I can see the reality clearly.
(8)I can’t go any further. I kept thinking about it while reading the posts, and it helped me to be sure. I can’t guarantee it because the human heart comes and goes, but I’ll go as I want to until the end.
(9)And we worked together, then we quit together and took a year off.It’s right that I’m not good at adjusting to work, and I have nothing to say because I let them rest together. to go for a year until recently It’s been hanging for three months.
(10)But that doesn’t mean I just played.
(11)Of course, I went out to work on weekdays. I was going to go on a date with him on weekends, but I told him to meet some friends a few times, and I also said that I should stay at home, so I felt that I could be frustrated as a social maladjuster.
(12)There should be tension in a relationship, but there was nothing different from a friend, so thank you for whining and caring.

A girlfriend who dated for 4 years cheated on her and broke up.

image text translation

(1)It’s the last episode of 4 years of dating lol.
(2)Go is 22 ㉡ 3 minutes away.
(3)Phew. I thought it was the wind for the new year’s gift. I guess it’s a gift from God.
(4)I thought it was a short story, but it came to the 3rd episode. I’m lucky.
(5)It was so hard to make up my mind when I said let’s break up.
(6)Meanwhile, her mother contacted me. I visited her once a month and bought her something delicious. She bought it for her.
(7)I was told to think about it again, but I was also moved and moved. He lived a hard life, but he implicitly bought us a TV sofa as a support for our marriage, but once again, I thought it was the last time and pulled the car.
(8)He was sleeping.
(9)I was sitting in the next room, and I saw and knew about the Apple Watch, but I checked it because I wanted to see it with my eyes, but the content was lol. I bragged about my breeding to a kid I met in the new year, and my friend told me that I had a male friend, and I was busy crying on the phone earlier. Last time I checked, I called you. You said you were 31 years old and you didn’t have a boyfriend.
(10)He said he didn’t know. He must have been embarrassed. He said, “It’s not your fault, so let’s talk about it openly,” and called him a friend.
(11)When I said we lived together after 4 years, we broke up 2 years ago.
(12)I heard lol so I’ll be 33 years old lol
(13)And how many times did you meet after the census? Not only the New Year,
(14)He said he was going to meet his friend on Christmas, and he was with him on the 23rd, as well as just coming to Seongnam. He said he was going to meet his friend, but he only met for two days.
(15)I explained everything before and after the writing, but I don’t know who I believe, but I sent all the pictures and certified them. That’s understandable. I’ve been seeing her for years.
(16)He’s the only one who’s been in a relationship for a long time, so I’m deceived that much; I’ll pay for it if you buy me something! It’s hard for me to tell even though I’ve been through it, but what’s funnier is that I’ve been pushed back by 200 to 300 cards and collected up to 1500 for managing my credit card, so you don’t have to feel sorry if you come out after living with me.
(17)And the funny thing is that I met her for six months, but when I tried it, I thought it was two months since I met her and one more brother from the company.
(18)I could have met him more, but it was too cold to go outside and I was not curious, so I stopped by the house and packed my things.
(19)When I came out with my luggage, I woke up, cried, and grabbed it, and I went through that department head, and I shook it off because my heart went away, but the scary thing about true love is with my eyes.
(20)He’s covering his brain with a shield.
(21)I can’t believe that humans are animals. Even when I saw the bottom.
(22)Even though it’s crocodile tears, it hurts my heart, so I’ll upload a proof shot, Kichan.
(23)I don’t post it. If I don’t use the double siot dance, it’s annoying.
(24)Don’t ask because you’re caught.


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