image text translation
(1)My jeans say I’m a man.
(2)I say I’m a woman.
(3)I’m skinny.
(4)Tell them I’m a kid.
(5)#Jeans You Don’t Know Me
(6)I’m not rated for my style.
(7)I don’t care about the size.
(8)I am me.
(9)I’m special.
(10)I woke up.
(11)But why can’t my jeans do that?
(12)My jeans are awake now.
(13)Let me introduce Levi’s Wake Up Edition.
(14)No size
(16)No gender orientation
(17)For generations who reject prejudice.
(18)If you’re not awake,
(19)That’s a bad thing.
(20)How can you judge a person by his style? That’s the kind of discrimination.
(21)So we don’t have any style.
(22)I don’t care what size I am. I don’t care about my abilities.
(23)Wake up.
(24)I pick my own size.
(25)This dress suits everyone.
(26)Because it doesn’t suit anyone.
(27)You’re curious about the color of these jeans.
(28)That’s a discriminatory statement.
(29)How dare you name this color?
(30)This color is #color.
(31)It’s not brown. It’s not brown.
(32)No color is superior.
(33)Let’s talk about PO pockets, too.
(34)Are you only going to sell jeans to people with hands?
(35)I still don’t know. My jeans are awake!
(36)Wait a minute. No way. My jeans are in a factory in Indonesia.
(37)It’s not made by abusing Asian children.
(38)Don’t worry. These jeans are from here in the U.
(39)Made by abusing white children.
(40)So wake up now.
(41)Levi’s Awakening Edition