image text translation
(1)Characteristics of people who don’t date
(2)with a thudding
(3)Yeah. Facebook is so much fun
(4)I love homebody’s house so much
(5)I want to be introduced
(6)I’m not desperate for a relationship, so I don’t get introduced
(7)My heart is pounding
(8)Hey, I had Vasco in Hongdae yesterday
(9)I saw it!
(10)Vasco again
(11)My life is happy when I have a serious oppa!
(12)with a thudding
(14)What are you doing?
(15)a workaholic
(16)Would you like to go to the movies?
(18)He hates people who are interested in him
(19)It’s serious. There are people like this sometimes
(20)You have to go to the straw and complete it
(21)I wish I could do that at my balejking It was hhaha
(22)There are so many fun things in the world besides dating