image text translation
(1)D News 1
(2)Half of them are positive
(3)Full inspection details for passengers from China
(4)Reporter Kwon Young-mi entered 2022 12290838
(5)▼ Eight
(6)Educational quantity
(7)Passengers are waiting at the airport for a PCR test ⓒ AFP=News1 ⓒ News1 Reporter Woo Dong-myung
(8)Seoul = News 1 reporter Kwon Young-mi = Half of the passengers on a flight from China who arrived in Milan, Italy, were tested positive, and the Italian government decided to mandate diagnostic tests for all those who entered from China
(9)According to Bloomberg News on the 28th, 50 passengers on two Chinese flights were reported to have COVID-19, and Italian quarantine authorities made the decision The quarantine authorities said they were conducting genetic testing of the virus in the passengers’ samples to see if there were any mutations
image text translation
(1)JoongAng Ilbo D
(2)Yoon Suk Yeol Wuhan Virus Outbreak
(3)China blames political quarantine for not controlling entry
(4)Input 2021 8 12 1619 Revised 2021 8 12 1657
(5)Toong Yoon Suk Yeol Goes to a COVID-19 Countermeasure Meeting
(7)S infection-19
(8)Yoon Suk Yeol COVID-19 Countermeasures Meeting
(9)”I can’t prove the reason for the government’s existence
(10)Former Prosecutor General Yoon Suk Yeol, a presidential contender of the People’s Power, set a day of criticism against the current government on the 12th, saying that the outbreak of COVID-19 was due to political quarantine that did not strongly control entry from China last year
As Gaka said, entry from China
You’ll be in strong control
China, by the way, is a real cancer of the Earth
Maybe there’s a powerful mutation