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Adult ADHD characteristics that are surprisingly


Adult ADHD characteristics that are surprisingly

image text translation

(1)Hippocratic STUDIO of Tough Friends
(2)Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(3)Dr. Friends Me
(4)Psychiatry and ADHD
(5)Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
(6)He can’t stay still and acts exaggerated
(7)a form of impulses that cannot be controlled
(8)Tur Prince
(9)attention-deficient type
(10)I can’t focus on something
(11)a form of lack of attention
(12)Differences between Pediatric ADHD and Island ADHD in Mental Health Medicine
(13)ADHD is a rising adult
(14)Hippocrates of Dr. Friends
(15)Differences Between Pediatric ADHD and Adult ADHD in Mental Health Medicine
(16)be a different disease
(17)Tough Friends Me
(18)Department of Mental Health Medicine
(19)Differences Between Pediatric ADHD and Adult ADHD
(20)Children’s ADHD is
(21)Continuing to be an adult
(22)Adult ADHD
(23)Dr. Friends’
(24)Adult ADHD
(26)Characteristics of Adult ADHD
(27)① due to lack of concentration
(28)frequent work mistakes
(29)of T. D. D.Prince
(30)② due to frequent work mistakes
(31)Decreased confidence and depression
(32)Differences between Pediatric ADHD and Island ADHD in Mental Health Medicine
(33)③ Due to overconsumption and game addiction,
(34)the impulsiveness that manifests itself
(36)hard to realize for oneself
(38)Adult characteristics of ADHD
(39)FeatureDHD’s Child A
(40)- Careless and over-arranged behaviour – easily distracted
(41)There’s a problem with the money
(42)- be unable to make plans
(43)- careless mistakes – frequent slip of the tongue
(44)- I tend to lose things. – Complete the project
(45)Can’t do well.
(46)He meddles a lot
(47)- be not good at calculating time
(48)- can’t wait for one’s turn
(49)make an impulsive decision
(50)- I can’t sit still
(51)Source: Korean Society for Pediatric Psychiatry
(53)Mental health department. I’m an adult, too. ADHD
(54)I’ll finish the hard part of a job and then I’ll do it
(55)Is there a time when it’s hard to finish or proceed in order when you have to work? 4 Have you ever had trouble forgetting appointments or things to do? 4 Do you ever fumble or wiggle your hands or feet when you’re sitting for a long time? Too much or unstoppable difficulty in getting out of work as if you’
(56)A system is required
(57)It’s like a motor
(58)Do you have rain?
(59)If it’s more than four, we suspect ADHD
(61)The method is to overcome
(62)Dr.Prince’s adult ADHD
(63)How to Overcome Mental Health Medicine
(64)Waiting for it to get better by itself
(65)It’s not a disease!
(66)Adult ADHD
(67)a method play of blessing
(70)Because of the imbalance
(71)Make sure to consult a specialist
(72)Treatment Required
(73)How to Overcome Mental Health Medicine!
(74)Dr. Friends’
(75)Medication is important!
(76)a way to overcome
(77)Take ADHD medication
(78)dopamine secretion
(79)as a central nerve stimulator
(80)drug treatment
(82)The side effects of ADHD medication are
(84)ADHD Drug Side Effects
(85)1 Minor droppings ⑤⑧ Decrease appetite 갑 Stop taking medicine all of a sudden
(86)worsening of symptoms
(88)It’s important to reduce it gradually
(89)What do you usually do to relieve ADHD symptoms?
(90)of Deuter Friends
(91)the structuralization of space
(92)Distinguish between work and rest areas
(93)Work and rest
(95)the structuralization of time
(96)Distinguish between working hours and resting hours
(97)How to Overcome Mental Health Medicine
(98)What I have to do
(99)Let’s organize it so that you can see
(100)Connect Prince’s
(101)depending on the importance of the job
(102)Priority order of determination
(103)Tough friends
(104)Work time and break time
(105)appropriate distribution
(106)How to Overcome Adult ADH Consult a D1 Specialist and Get Medicated 2 Visualize what needs to be done with space and time Visualize what needs to be done, prioritize and work, get drunk from rest
(109)Five enemies


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