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Japanese food that they eat every Christmas.jpg


Japanese food that they eat every Christmas.jpg

image text translation

(1)Many Japanese people visit KFC on Christmas
(2)KFC even sells Christmas buckets, as you can see in those photos
(3)In fact, KFC is a traditional Japanese Christmas food
(4)But why!
(5)What does Christmas have to do with KFC?
(6)This tradition was created by a man named Takeshi Okawara
(7)This is Okawara Takeshi
(8)Okawara was the manager of Japan’s first KFC store in 1970, a long time ago
(9)At that time, KFC did not receive any attention from customers
(10)Then, at a Christian kindergarten near the store,
(11)I’m going to order chicken for the party in this KFC cake
(12)At that time, I asked him to dress up as Santa for the okamae at kindergarten
(13)I asked for it
(14)Okawara dressed up as Santa and went to a kindergarten to deliver chicken
(15)This is well received and orders for KFC chicken are pouring in from various kindergartens
(16)I came up with an idea because I wanted to say okawa
(17)KFC’s grandfather, Kernal Sanders, dressed as Santa Claus
(18)In the U.S., we eat fried chicken for Christmas dinner
(19)I go around saying thatCrab
(20)In the United States, Crichkins Masmeani ate turkey
(21)In Japan, the popularity of KFC is so great that the U.S. and U.K. culture is so good
(22)become increasingly national
(24)So I interviewed Okawara on NHK
(25)Okawa, a reporter from NHK,
(26)”Do you really eat fried chicken in the West?”
(27)That’s what he said lol
(28)So since 1974, KFC has been campaigning for Christmas
(29)It started
(30)And Okawara, who was the store manager,
(31)Ten years later, he became CEO of KFC after being promoted repeatedly promoted
(32)Two years ago, in an interview in 2018, Rigo admitted that he had said somethingNow, Geol!
(34)And he added, “It’s Christmas for an American
(35)They don’t know Keane. They eat turkey
(36)I regret telling a lie, but people love KFC so much
(37)Although it started with one person’s lie and it was an opportunity for many Japanese to feel K-S
(39)has become
(40)In the first place, families and relatives gather together on Christmas in England and America like Chuseok New Year’s Day
(41)in flight
(42)Even non-religious people go to church, but why is Mars a couple day in Korea?
(43)Is it crying?

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