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Consideration for those who fail to hire companies that are divided into likes and dislikes.jpg


Consideration for those who fail to hire companies that are divided into likes and dislikes.jpg

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(1)Will it help job seekers under the Reasons for Failing Recruitment Act? – Asian Economy
(2)2021 68 – The key to this bill is to notify companies of the reason for failure within 14 days when job seekers fail the recruitment test. The current recruitment procedure law is to hire job seekers
(3)Knowing the reason for failing to get hired is not enough to help prepare for employment. – Chosun Ilbo
(4)2021 618 – Under the bill, job seekers who fail to get hired can ask the company to tell them why they failed to get hired, and the company must notify them within 14 days

Consideration for those who fail to hire companies that are divided into likes and dislikes.jpg

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(1)Let’s at least know the reason for the failure…a failed recruitment agency
(2)Will it help job seekers in the Yugoslavia?
(3)Article Input 202106080600 Final revision 202106080600
(4)The Reason Notification Act, which notifies the reason within 14 days if the recruitment is eliminated
(5)9 out of 10 job seekers welcome the bill to increase trust in the recruitment process
(6)There is a possibility that it may only reduce the confidence of job seekers or put additional pressure on companies that create for fear

Consideration for those who fail to hire companies that are divided into likes and dislikes.jpg

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(1)To the applicants who failed to hire the company,
(2)Notification of the obligation to be eliminated
(3)The loser’s right to know
(4)It helps me get a job
(5)There are concerns about the company’s free infringement of hiring rights,
(6)I don’t like it because there’s no real benefit to job seekers
(7)What do you think?


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