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(1)8808m is
(2)There was not a single line in the joint statement…
(3)Renminbi Crude Settlement Furious Happening Choi Yoo-sik’s On China
(4)President Xi Jinping happily proposed a yuan deal in his keynote speech at the China-Arab summit, but not a single line was included in the joint statement
(5)Saudi Arabia seems to have rejected “not the time”
(6)Choi Yoo-sik, Director of Northeast Asia Research Institute
(7)Input 20221223 1635
(8)Subscribe to Choi Yoo-sik’s On China newsletter ☞ httpspagestibeecomsubscriptions 81059
(9)Chinese President Xi Jinping, who disappeared from the international stage during the COVID-19 pandemic, brought up a “big card” that would surprise the world in a keynote speech at the China-Arab summit in Saudi Arabia in early December “We will push ahead with the payment of yuan crude oil by announcing plans to significantly increase imports of Middle Eastern crude oil and natural gas.” He challenged PetroDollar, an important pillar of the U.S. dollar hegemony, which was made headlines by the media both at home and around the world
(10)But after the meeting, the Chinese state media has been trying to avoid commenting on the issue, and the Xinhua news agency’s report on Xi’s visit to Saudi Arabia was unusually brief and did not mention the yuan’s payment issue at all
Saudi Arabia refuses and just goes out lol
image text translation
(1)An article from Riyadh by China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency, which summarizes President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia, was unusually short and did not mention the issue of yuan oil settlement Light network capture
Despite the visit by Xi Jinping, reports in China are said to have been quietly