image text translation
(1)This government is only trying to catch the common people
(1)Korea Electric Power Corp. and the Korea Gas Corporationimage text translation
(2)in order to clear up the deficit
(3)They say they’re raising electricity bills!
(1)Expect a maximum increase of 50image text translation
(1)This year’s electricity bill is 2038 eachimage text translation
(2)It’s already been raised
(1)Even now, gas billsimage text translation
(2)It feels twice as good
(3)with an increase
(4)I can feel it
(1)I can’t believe I’m going up moreimage text translation
(1)This winter is going to be colder for ordinary peopleimage text translation
(1)And he said he’d lower the corporate taximage text translation
(1)multi-homeownersimage text translation
(2)It relieves comprehensive real estate taxes
(1)Why only the money of ordinary people?image text translation
(2)I don’t know if you’re trying to walk more
(1)Choi Tae-won, president of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry,image text translation
(1)indiscriminatelyimage text translation
(2)It’s better to cut it’s a cut
(3)Is it a good thing?
(1)indiscriminateimage text translation
(2)rather than lower corporate taxes
(1)Depending on the type of business,image text translation
(2)It is an important policy tool to think about how to take it
(1)Entrepreneurs also oppose indiscriminate corporate tax cutsimage text translation
(1)This governmentimage text translation
(2)What should I do?
(1)Raise taxes on the common peopleimage text translation
(2)to settle the deficit
(3)It’s a situation
(1)With the useless cost of moving the presidential office,image text translation
(2)with a lot of taxes
(1)I try to feed only those who have itimage text translation
(1)That kind of policyimage text translation
(2)It’s a policy for ordinary people
(3)the deluded Yoon administration
(1)It’s really disastrousimage text translation