image text translation
(1)Let’s do it!
(2)The reason why Pura thinks there are no ghosts
(3)Yes or no
(4)Seeing a ghost
(5)SAKURA’s claim
(6)a sort of illusion of weariness
(7)-Everybody sane
(8)Everybody’s right. Everybody’s right
(9)As I said before
(10)due to physical exhaustion
(11)It’s just a visual illusion
(12)It’s a hallucination
(13)You can’t see when you’re in your right mind, so there’s no
(14)For example, getting sleep paralysis
(15)It’s just the muscles
(16)It’s all lumped together
(1)If you look at the clothes on the doorknob,image text translation
(2)the way in which the clothes become a ghost
(3)It’s an illusion of exhaustion
(4)Then, what I can hear is
(5)I think
(6)I wanted to get attention
(7)It’s like a dance item
(8)You have to play MSG
(9)It’s just a sound effect that will maximize the story