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The words that most of the Korean apartments were not hacking bluster news


The words that most of the Korean apartments were not hacking bluster news

image text translation

(1)Subtitle News SOCI
(2)In October of last year, on an overseas Internet site,
(3)It’s a post that came up with an example video
(4)The writer said that the video on the smart home device of the apartment, or the wall pad,
(5)I left an e-mail address to tell you if you are interested in extracting If
(6)Subtitle News SOCIAL
(7)It wasn’t a bluff to say that he hacked most of the apartments in Korea
(8)A man in his 30s, the author of the post, hacked the wallpads of 400,000 households in 638 apartment complexes across the country for three months since August last year
(9)Data screen YTN
(10)I took videos of my house with my Wal-Pad camera at will, and there are 400,000 families affected
(11)Surprisingly, A appeared in a media as a security expert in the past
(12)It turns out he’s even explained the Walpad hack himself
(13)He also worked for a security company and majored in in information protection at university, protonma bo
(14)I used my IT security knowledge to avoid police investigation
(15)How did you hack 400,000 homes?
(16)Wallpad inside the server residence of the affected apartment
(17)10 routers, 638 complexes, 404847 households
(18)Wal-Pad Internal Network
(19)an apartment complex
(20)Server Intrusion
(21)installed in multi-use facilities such as restaurants and accommodations
(22)He showed the precision of using a wireless router to hack
(23)The police hacked into the wall pad on the 14th and secretly filmed the video
(24)We arrested a man in his 30s who posted a hashtag on suspicion of selling itParty
(25)Cyber Bureau of Investigation
(26)There’s a situation where a video of his private life was leaked through a Walpad hack
(27)We arrested A after more than a year since the 11th month of last yearhan
(28)Lee Kyu-bong, head of the National Police Agency’s cyber terrorism investigation team
(29)the most sensitive place for an individual to live in
(30)It hurts. Since it’s a leaked case,
(31)In terms of future related measures
(32)The alarm is self-interested
(33)Mr. A admitted to some of the crime, but Walpad hacked it
(34)It’s just a threat to the vulnerability
(35)He claims he didn’t intend to sell the video
(36)The police didn’t accept it to purchase confirmation if it was actually sold, but the police approved it in the mail
(37)When I saw the soft apple exchange,
(38)National Police Agency Cyber Terrorism Response Division No
(39)a confiscated article of a suspect
(40)I think he was willing to sell it
(41)A’s arrest warrant has been dismissed
(42)Kyungsungchal reports that he may have committed the crime for purpose
(43)We’re going to apply for an arrest warrant again after a supplementary investigation


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