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Another controversy this winter. Assault of a snowman.jpg


Another controversy this winter. Assault of a snowman.jpg

image text translation

(1)University of Arts and Technology’s snowman
(2)Hello, I am an art student who made a snowman for 7 hours from 8:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m
(3)A lot of people worked hard to make a snowman
(4)Just in case, someone kicked me and broke it while I was at fault to make a fan horse called Don’t break it
(5)The rabbit snowman of the music school that I made next to him was also broken
(6)Thank you for supporting us, taking pictures, and taking pictures
(7)I don’t know why you’re wearing a snowman, but I hope you don’t kick a snowman that other people made with care

Another controversy this winter. Assault of a snowman.jpg

image text translation

(1)College of Arts, Building 2

Another controversy this winter. Assault of a snowman.jpg

image text translation

Another controversy this winter. Assault of a snowman.jpg

image text translation

(1)Service design
(2)Convergence Research Institute
(3)Art Design Technology
(4)What are you doing so you can’t see the sign?
(5)I made it with all my heart, but why did I break it?

Why did you break it?

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