Trainee who was verbally abused by company commander.jpg

Trainee who was verbally abused by company commander.jpg

image text translation

(1)I was verbally abused by a captain in the army. Where are you calling 0022333?
(2)View 4883 Comments 394
(3)8839 Barcelona 288
(4)I’m in the army training center. They gave me 10 minutes a day to use my phone
(5)It’s quarantine, so the assistants don’t teach me anything like salutes
(6)Of course, I don’t know the military culture well, so I ran into three diamonds on my way to the bathroom, and I didn’t know if he was a company commander or what, so I bowed my head and said hello and called him informally
(7)So I stood in front of him saying yes
(8)”Didn’t you learn how to salute?” He said without honorifics and created a sense of intimidation
(9)”Of course, I’m mad, so I didn’t know because you didn’t tell me how to salute.”
(10)Then he said he was the company commander here, and suddenly he was told to use his own words in salute
(11)Many of the assistants and other living room trainees who passed by when the military shouted at their superiors about using yaozi
(12)I was so mad that I thought I’d get scolded, so I just apologized
(13)I’ll call him back on the way and ask him if he’s going to salute his superior
(14)the act of forcing a salute by turning it around
(15)And on my way in, I called the assistants and told them to go out on purpose. They’re coming in these days
(16)Come to think of it, I’m so angry and I think I’ll be traumatized for the rest of my life. I’m a precious child at home and I’ve never heard such abusive language from my teacher while attending school, but it’s so embarrassing to do this in the army
(17)Where should I report this? There’s something like a heart letter for the captain, and when I report it,
(18)People are punished at some level

I don’t know if he’s awake by now

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