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As a result of four months of hard work at Samsung’s Godeok site,


As a result of four months of hard work at Samsung's Godeok site,

image text translation

(1)One day’s worth of 1 day’s worth of 2 days’ worth of 1 day’s worth = 2 days’ worth of daily worth of money
(2)Two strikes means two days’ worth of work
(3)working hours and airlift
(4)Daytime work = 8 hours 1 hour extended work 10 hours 15 hours night work
(5)12 hours and 2 hours
(6)You’ll work 12 hours a night shift and get a double shift
(7)December 2020>
(8)Account details check
(9)143611 FB benefit
(10)I.N. Holdings
(11)211000 Mobile
(12)When I just joined the company, I only worked for a week
(13)Period 1201
(14)From the middle of the overtime week, overtime increased
(15)Period 1201 – 1231
(16)I started working nights at the end of the month
(17)December 2020
(18)Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
(19)Weeks Extended Weeks Extended Weeks
(20)Site Extension Day and Night Extension in Korea
(21)night and day
(22)night, night, night, and day
(23)The number of overtime and night shifts is as you can see
(24)a week of extension week
(25)Field Extension Week Night Extension Week
(26)extended night week
(27)Duration 1201 –
(28)If I were to explain two unique parts of “E” during overtime,
(29)Night, night, night
(30)First of all, I worked day shift on the 25th, so it’s normally Suji,
(31)Christmas is a legal holiday, so there are 12 more flights
(32)Extension week, extension week, night extension Week
(34)extended night week
(35)And even though the 31st is not a legal holiday,
(36)But since it’s the end of the year, they let me go home an hour earlier
(37)At the same time, 02 Gongsoo was added
(38)Extension Week
(39)a long nightly extension week
(40)Extended Night Extended Night Week
(41)211000 Mobile
(42)night and day
(43)Period 12
(44)Anyway, in December, we ended up with 384 air strikes
(45)17884 × 180,000 won 4,992,000 won
(46)If you multiply it by 130,000 won, you get about 5 million won
(47)I received about 4.48 million won except for about 10 major insurance policies
(48)And I need to add the meal cost to 460,000 won
(49)As I said at the beginning of the video, this company
(50)I received 15,000 won a day, not a meal ticket

As a result of four months of hard work at Samsung's Godeok site,

image text translation

(1)December 2020
(2)Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
(3)Weekly extension Weekly extension
(4)Account details check
(5)143611 FB grade
(6)Curious 27-15,000 won Enju 4485900 won
(7)Balance of KRW 5192128
(8)extended night
(9)night, night, night, and day
(10)Period 1201 – 1231
(11)So 27 days to work x 15,000 won
(12)Weeks Extended Weeks Extended Weeks
(13)Extended extended day night extended day 143611 FB benefit
(16)Period 12011231
(17)If you add the accommodation support fee to 405,000 won, it’s 505,000 won
(18)- If you deduct the basic income tax of 33, you get about 480,000 won
(19)143611 FB benefit is
(20)4485900 won balance 5192128 won
(21)4.96 million won
(22)Extended Night Field Night Week
(23)488340 won
(24)Balance of KRW 706228
(25)4992,000 won
(26)So December is about 4.96 million won
(27)January 2021
(28)Extension of Night Extension Night Hall
(29)Night overtime night shift. Night shift
(30)Night Night Girl 야간 Night 205227 BZ Bank
(31)a night watchman
(32)152826 FB benefits
(33)Period 0101
(34)Next is January’s airlift and salaryan overtime holiday
(35)January 2021 Tues
(36)Night scene. Night scene. Night time
(37)organic matter
(38)Night Absence Night Absence Week
(39)Night, night, night, night week
(40)152826 Salary
(41)You can see that there is no day shift on weekdays, only overtime and night shift
(42)Period 0101 – 0131
(43)I finished January with 375 airlift, but if I didn’t miss work,
(44)If you didn’t miss two days, you’d be 41st offense
(45)Night extension night supervision
(46)a night off work night
(47)4.88 million won 4,19110 won balance 5387380 won
(48)And extend the gap
(49)4463720 won balance 4968270 won
(50)about 4.88 million won
(51)February 2021
(52)Night, night
(53)135002 Mobile
(54)On-site night shift
(55)Night Extension Extension Extension Extension Week
(56)171216 FB benefits
(57)Period 0201 – 0228
(58)We had Lunar New Year holidays in February
(59)Night, night, day, night, and night
(60)Closed during the night and during the day
(61)Period 0201
(62)On the 10th, the day before the holiday, I worked until 2 p.m. without silver meal time and left work
(63)night and night, day and night shift
(64)field night night night night absence
(65)110923 BZ Bank
(66)Period 0201
(67)I didn’t go to work during the holidays
(68)Director, night, night, night, night
(69)Extension of liver Extension Extension of liver Extension of week
(70)I.N. Holdings
(71)On the first and second days of the holiday, I put 07 Gongsoo on it
(72)night and day
(73)Balance KRW 4923919
(74)4.33 million won
(75)275600 won
(76)Balance KRW 4823919
(77)Accredited to the site of night extension extension
(78)171216FB benefits
(79)3962260 won
(80)Balance 4548319 won
(81)4407000 won period 020110228
(82)It’s 360,000 won plus 370,000 won for meals, and it’s 4.33 million won
(83)March 2021
(84)Weekly Extension Extension Extension Extension Weekly 4337860
(85)Extensions Extensions Extensions Extensions Extensions Extensions Week
(86)extended night and night week
(87)125129 BZ Bank
(88)Night, night, night, night shift
(89)170539 FB benefits
(90)■ I.N. Holdings
(91)Extension Week
(92)Period 0301 – 0331
(93)March 1st is a day off, but the temperament is a legal holiday
(94)Extension extension extension night night day and night. Day and Night
(95)Night, night, night, night, night
(96)Period 03010331
(97)It looks like he has 12 more
(98)March 2021 >
(99)Extension extension extension week 43378605310160 weeks extension
(100)Extension, extension, extension, extension
(101)Woman, here
(102)473830 won, 5.3 million
(103)Balance of KRW 712359
(104)KRW 4836330
(105)29 balance 50385
(106)a woman in the week of the director’s appointment
(107)5356000 won period 0301
(108)It’s 24.83 million won plus 470,000 won to record about 5.3 million won
(109)Since it’s a tribute, I have no choice but to write it down
(110)200,000 won per day
(111)If I were to calculate again, assuming that I was a stomatopoeia,
(112)31.9 million won
(113)It’s about 87.9 million won
(114)19.9 million won. 31.9 million won
(115)If you compare tribute to stomata, you get about four more


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