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She took her own side dishes to the company cafeteria


She took her own side dishes to the company cafeteria

(1)View more rankings on July 08, 2022 Is it wrong to take personal side dishes to the company restaurant
(2)20220707 1341 Inquiry 71448 Recommendation 28
(3)I’m writing here because I want to hear from many people. I use the company cafeteria under a contract with an external company. I buy a meal ticket and eat it in a Korean buffet style
(4)I pack my own side dishes There’s a week’s menu at the company restaurant. When stir-fried spicy pork comes out this time, I personally bring lettuce and cucumber and eat it together. Or when fried kimchi comes out, I personally pack tofu and eat it together. When bibimbap comes out, I make two fried eggs and eat it together.
(5)But from one day, there was a paper prohibiting bringing in food outside the cafeteria. One person called me personally and told me not to bring side dishes. He said it was not good for others. … I don’t understand it with my common sense Is it my fault? I pay for the meal ticket, but is it a problem to eat it with it? Even if it’s a buffet, I don’t eat a lot and I’ve never packed it
(6)Where is the lettuce? Where can I get the fried eggs? Where can I get the tofu? I don’t think they’ll keep asking the staff
(7)Beflㅇ플 20220707 1637 By any chance, I got food poisoning after eating at the cafeteria, but it turns out that if salmonella was the cause of the fried eggs I personally packed with rice, The cafeteria was investigated, sanitation, and troublesome things would not happen until it was clearly revealed
(8)베플 ㅇㅇ 20220707 2008 식단 미리 확인하며 어울리는 반찬을 싸오는 정성ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 처음 들어본다 이상 한 사람들이 점점 많아지고 있어
(9)20220707 1552 I can eat something, but if you tell me not to bring it, don’t do it then
(10)Why is it unusual to bring a lunch box? It’s not a regular restaurant, it’s a cafeteria. What’s the problem? It’s not that you secretly take lettuce out of your bag and put it on the table like a side dish. You just take out a bag or a lunch box and eat it, but he’ll probably pack a lunch Give me some lettuce, too Who does that? (Laughing) LOL My nephew is funny
(11)The pros and cons 2 20220707 2134 See the whole thing > Sunny didn’t directly damage others, but she didn’t think about others like Bedit, so I thought, “Can’t I eat something free even during lunch time?” No matter how much I think about it, I didn’t know what damage Sunny caused and what the problem was.
I brought my own side dishes
When something happens, the cafeteria gets tired
He pays for it and eats it with his own
What’s the problem? Give me lettuce, too There’s no one who talks nonsense
What do you think?

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