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An incumbent doctor told President Yoon Suk Yeol


An incumbent doctor told President Yoon Suk Yeol

(1)1 Yoon Suk Yeol Care criticizes Moon Jae-in Care and seems to put it back. There’s something you don’t know, but Moon Care was an extension of the policies that came out during Park Geun-hye, and the rate of strengthening health insurance coverage was not much different from Park Geun-hye
(2)2 However, the problem during Moon Care was that front-line lawmakers expanded their medical care to avoid health insurance, and in fact, Moon Care’s real scapegoat was private insurers that sold losses, neither the state nor the common people, so if they want to roll back Moon Care, they should reduce their actual insurance coverage
(3)3 The president should have said, “If this was a true comedy, the first lady with more than 6 billion won in assets paid 70,000 won in health insurance premiums when she was CEO of Kobana. Then, I will make my wife afraid to pay health insurance premiums in the future.”
(4)4 The bigger problem is, can the mother-in-law’s finances be sound without a clear punishment for someone like her mother-in-law who illegally received 2.3 billion won in health insurance by setting up an illegal nursing hospital with an office manager? Thank you very much. I mean, I thought you were the first to look at the Great Queen’s Battle and the Queen’s Horse
Lee Juhyuk’s SNS perm
a lot to go to the hospital
the staunch supporters of old people
I don’t even know what it’s about
You’re good! You’re good!You are good.
I think our Yoon Suk Yeoln president will say he’s

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