Cat Abuse in Dongmyo Market

Cat Abuse in Dongmyo Market

(1)On the 12th, a cat quickly enters the store with customers
(2)To take out the cat hidden under the furniture, I made a gesture right in front of me
(3)He beckons right in front of him to take out the cat hidden under the furniture
(4)I sit and sing. I use brooms and blankets
(5)The cat stays still The merchant ties a string around the cat’s neck and pulls it out
(6)Lift the cat up, put it in the box, and
(7)The cat that rolls around while being tied to a rope is subdued using an iron rod
(8)Lift the cat up, put it in the box, and press it with your feet
(9)A merchant who disappeared with a box of cats
(10)At that time, the photos on the site spread to SNS and
(11)Petition in progress Dongmyo Mayor Pregnant Cat Abuse Construction Release Ni Da Participants 41030
(12)Cheong Won City Cheongwon naver –
(13)Category pet Complaint Ma
(14)It was also posted on the Cheong Wa Dae petition bulletin board, and Cheonwijijujijujijujijijijijijijijiji
(15)Things that are used and thrown away are like that
(16) · Six minutes ago You don’t have to do that, but you’re good enough It’s definitely Gree Pregnant animal mouth Go Go Chul Lee I’ll make you vomit blood I’ll do it Say Luge No, I won’t
(17)Even on the Cheong Wa Dae petition bulletin board, Controversy Heating
(18)Market merchant claims Though he used strings and iron bars
(19)Market merchant claim used to put it in a box, not a hit
(20)Hurry up and get it
(21)Market merchant Girl Chul Hugging No situation
(22)Abuser, you hang yourself and beat yourself up. Gi~ Stabbed by an iron skewer
(23)I’ll pray more every day The powerless cats for no reason
(24)Abusing is a crime Ignorance or what Brave is if you are ignorant I was sued and investigated by the police
(25)However, after the incident, he went to the merchant’s cell phone and said, “Take it well, and the cat I did it because I was feeding it.”
(26)June 13, 2020 Saturday
(27)But the incident the curse thedam
(28)With the merchant’s cell phone, status is character pouring Ah, ji
(29)Animal protection organization Butterfly, I love you Obvious Animal Abuse
(30)Butterfly, an animal protection organization, I love you. I’m tired of struggling
(31)Yoo Ju-yeon’s representative corporation, Lee Go Cat said Dub I tried to enter the store where the door was open
(32)The representative corporation Tie the neck Seo Hae
(33)Yoo Ju-yeon Moo Abuse Situation
(34) Animal Protection Organization filed a complaint today at 16 Black

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