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the brilliant achievements of the Constitutional Court of Hell Joseon


the brilliant achievements of the Constitutional Court of Hell Joseon

(1)Yonhap News Agency Constitutional Court All men are obligated to serve in the military Constitution Scrap Text Listening Settings Article Input 20140311 1200 Final Amendment 20140311 1222
(2)Seoul = Yonhap News reporter Lee Shin-young = The provisions of the Military Service Act, which impose military service obligations only on men, are constitutional, the Constitutional Court confirmed once again
(3)The Constitutional Court announced on the 11th that it has decided to constitutionalize the petition filed by Lee 22, who was subject to active service in 2011, against Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Military Service Act
(4)Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Military Service Act explicitly stipulates that men who are Korean citizens must faithfully perform their military service obligations as prescribed by the Constitution and this Act
(5)The Constitutional Court said, “Women with more physical abilities and physical abilities can also have difficulties in training and combat-related tasks due to physiological characteristics, pregnancy, and childbirth. It is hard to say that it is highly arbitrary to choose only men as military personnel to secure optimal combat power.”
(6)Hankyoreh Constitutional Court “It is not discrimination between men and women in the quota of pharmacies at women’s universities” Input article 20200724 PM 236 Final revision 20200724 PM 240 Article text scrap Listening to the text and setting
(7)320 out of 1,693 pharmacists nationwide are assigned to female universities Constitutional petition for infringement of the equal rights of male students preparing for transfer
(8)A photo of the entire view of the Constitutional Court data
(9)The Constitutional Court ruled that the Ministry of Education’s plan to adjust the student quota, which allocated some of the nation’s pharmacological universities to women’s universities, does not constitute discrimination against men and women
(10)The Constitutional Court announced on the 24th that it has decided to constitutionalize the petition filed by the claimant a over the Ministry of Education’s plan to adjust the number of students in the health and medical fields in 2019
(11)Kyunghyang Shinmun The Constitutional Court decides that defamation is constitutional.
(12)Article input 20210225 PM 247 Final revision 20210225 PM 428 Article text
(13)In fact, is it for defamation by timely means or constitutional? The role of the clause
(14)위헌 표현의자유를 위축시키고 내부고발자 등에게 불리하게 작용 진실을 알 권리는 침해받아서는 안 된다 공권력의 눈치를 보며 표현의자유 위축시킬 소지
(15)It is not worth protecting 10
(16)Judgement of honor victim relief
(17)Constitutional Prevention of the phenomenon of punishing others by using private sanctions instead of legal procedures Freedom of expression for the purpose of driving someone out of the conversation cannot be recognized The criminal law clause that illegality is carved for public interest purposes can be supplemented Even if it is a revolution, honor is the minimum right to participate in the dialogue. Civil damages alone have no crime prevention effect
(18)It should be settled as civil damages
(19)The Constitutional Court has decided that the crime of factual defamation is not unconstitutional This is the first time that the Constitutional Court has judged whether the crime of factual defamation under the criminal law is unconstitutional
(20)On the 25th, the Constitutional Court rejected Lee’s request for a constitutional appeal with the opinion that Article 307 (1) of the Criminal Code, which requires punishment of those who defamed others, was unconstitutional The Constitutional Court stated that Article 302 (1) of the Criminal Code does not violate the Constitution
(21)Article 307 (1) of the Criminal Code stipulates that a person who defames a person by stating facts for nothing shall be sentenced to up to two years in prison, or imprisonment, or a fine of up to 5 million won However, Article 310 of the same Act made an exception that the act of defamation in the event of performance is a true fact and is not punished only when it concerns the public interest
(22)PICK MBC Grade 4 supplementary service judges can serve on active duty if they wantMilitary Service Act Revised Input article 20191031 AM 1125 Article text Scrap Listening and setting
(23)The Ministry of National Defense has rock bottle law to jung ki who may choose to serve among active or social service personnel
(24)A key agreement, the prohibition of forced labor, is being ratified, and the supplementary service system is labor organization
(25)The government international would conflict with
(26)Labor that has not been voluntarily provided, or forced labor, is prohibited, but the obligation the organization sees the exception of service as an exception, but the judgment of a fourth-grade supplementary service of
(27)The possibility of forced labor is as a member of the service
(28)International Labor There are pure rams under the Military Service Act
(29)The reason for the unconstitutionality of military addition points 99 Constitutional Court
(30)> Infringement of women’s equal rights TAYYO > Men discriminate according to their health
(31)It’s okay if it’s low than low wages
(32) The highest salary The rules for remuneration for active duty soldiers lower than the minimum wage are constitutional Military uniform One uniform
(33)The state treasury pays for the cost of food, clothing, and shelter
(34)Reporter Ju Young-gil entered desk lawtimesck 2012-10-30 PM 25124
(35)The Constitutional Court ruled that even if the salary paid to active duty soldiers falls short of the minimum wage, it is not a violation of the Constitution This
(36)Private 78,300 won, Sergeant 103,800 won According to the Minimum Wage Act, is calculated based on five-day work per week, time per month consideration
(37)Soldiers on duty are 10th of the minimum wage
(38)The monthly salary of active duty soldiers other minimum wage is 4 732,800 won per hour. Eh Do Mot Me Chi Grade Yeoreum Yeoreum Yeo
(39)At 8 580 won a day, hour, etc. interworking sem is
(40)3 Articles Rap 3 View Scrap
(41)The above photo is not related to the article
(42)Shinhaeng Jeongsu Current decision report
(43)·In Chongqing, China, 8957317
(44)The Korean Constitutional Court ruled unconstitutional, which led to the relocation of the new administrative capital, which is currently underway, before the provincial government
(45)▲ On the 21st, the new administration sa denup gwan han mo

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