My ignorance is superior to your knowledge

My ignorance is superior to your knowledge

(1)My brother and cousin had a fight and the atmosphere in the house became cold; It was the first time in a long time that relatives gathered at my house, and my cousin asked me what my brother was doing, and I said I was looking for some data on the Internet, so my cousin went into my brother’s room and said strange things to him
(2)At that time, my brother was looking for a fraudulent history on the Internet.記 My cousin asked me what it was. My brother said he was reading a famous Chinese history book and he was reading it to find it, but my cousin suddenly said, “How can you believe it’s a history written by Jjang-gae?!”
(3)My brother told me that all the Three Kingdoms were lies while talking about Yeonui and Jeongsa, and that fraud was a famous history book written by a man named Samacheon, and that it was a great book that received good reviews from many people
(4)My brother also raised his voice a few more times and judged that there was no answer, and told me that fraud was a book that you couldn’t evaluate. He told me to leave because he was a model student type, so my family had a good image
(5)Why are you cheating in front of a person who studies history?

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