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It’s because I’m greedy Are you kidding?


It's because I'm greedy Are you kidding?

(0)Nate version. Is this a gluttony? Are you kidding me?
UnknownDuckoo 11-20 views 83286

(1)1 Fruits Sando Dessert

(2)When I went to my favorite dessert cafe, Fruits Sando came out new, so I thought I would show you something fun, but I ate all the fruits inside Fruits Sando alone and looked at my reaction
(3)I tried to order a new one, but it’s cheating for my boyfriend to order a new one
(4)My position – I feel like I should just eat the mushy cream and bread without any fruit
(5)And usually, if you order a cake or cookie at a cafe, you’ll see something fun.
You said you’ll give it to me, but you eat fruits or chocolate as the main topping of the cake by yourself.
I forgot the chocolate chip in the cookie.

(6)Boyfriend position – it was a joke The picture is funny to order again, so I just ate this and said, “I’ll buy you fruit on my way home.” And I didn’t get any fruit, and I didn’t even eat the leftover mountain
(7)2 Stir-fried octopus
(8)There is a popular stir-fried octopus restaurant where cheonggukjang is served together. On that day, rice and cheonggukjang came out before stir-fried octopus

(9)I went to the bathroom because I thought I should go to the bathroom before the stir-fried octopus came out.
Nichunggukjang was completely empty with his boyfriend’s rice, and his boyfriend was
New rice was placed in front of him
(10)How can you eat all of what you two eat together first? Don’t you know that I like mixing cheonggukjang with octopus?
(11)Boyfriend – it was always tantalizing to share this delicious food with the two of us So I wanted to eat it all by myself as a joke If you add cheonggukjang and order it, it’s all right
(12)I added cheonggukjang, but it came out when I ate more than half of the stir-fried octopus, so I asked if I should have ordered it with me when I added rice, and I didn’t know how to eat it. Not only the new cheonggukjang, but my boyfriend ate it all
(13)3 Jokbal. This is kind of a different story
(14)I came back to the accommodation after a trip, and suddenly I was sick with high fever and chills.
My boyfriend went out to buy me medicine at the convenience store in front of the accommodation, but I bought Jokbal after 30 minutes.
There was a place that looked delicious on the way.

(15)My boyfriend asked me to eat with him, but I didn’t have energy to eat because I was sick.
Writing it seems like an exaggeration, but if I really didn’t have energy to move, honey is resting. I’ll eat jokbal alone, and I lie down and fall asleep.

(16)The next morning, I heard a chewing sound, so I woke up and found that my boyfriend was eating jokbal in the morning, probably leftovers from the previous day
(17)I – I’m sick, so buy me medicine first, buy me jokbal, leave me alone, and if there’s anything left, don’t you think you should recommend me to taste it? How can you eat it alone without waking me up?
(18)Boyfriend – It’s unproductive to go back and forth twice. It was unfortunate that I couldn’t eat it because I was sick, but I couldn’t help but eat jokbal that I already bought And how do you tell me to try the dried and cold jokbal because it’s what I ate the day before? Then I’ll buy it for you on the way there

(19)4 Cheese pork cutlet

(20)The reason why I wrote this after fighting this time

(21)I had cheese pork cutlet for dinner yesterday. The pork cutlet I thought had cheese inside it
(22)The style is

(23)No, on top of the pork cutlet

(24)It was a style with cheese topping on top of it
(25)Boyfriend is back again
(26)I said, “Should I show you that?” “No, don’t.”
(27)I don’t care about it, but I use chopsticks to whip cheese toppings on top of pork cutlet
(28)Come on

(29)I’ll eat it up and watch my reaction

(30)At that moment, I was so angry that I came out and came home, and the two of us were together




(35)I even wrote like this
(36)Me – you

(37)Sleep is the main thing



(40)Why are you looking at my reaction?

(42)- It’s not gluttony
(43)Because I’m gluttonous. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh
(44)Take the food away
(45)I hope you eat it
(46)Are you doing it?
(47)I’ll buy you something else

(49)I’m a glutton for food. Why do you keep mentioning the main topping or food?
(50)It’s an exception, but if you laugh like it’s a joke when you eat alone,

(51)ten thousand

(52)In the meantime,

(53)It was a joke I’m sorry if I offended you
(54)What did you say to me?
(55)You’re more gluttonous than I am

(57)Do you want me to do that? After I made such a joke,
(58)I won’t tell you
(59)We’re talking here about gluttonyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
(60)There’s even a mention of


(62)There were more detailed cases than this, but there were only a few things that I remembered

that I met
(64)From my experience,
(65)I’m not joking. I’m not kidding

(67)I think I really crave food, but Dan
(68)I’m so annoyed after going through it

(69)I don’t like you
(70)Isn’t that right? What happened yesterday

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