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If you take off the silencer and report a noisy motorcycle, you can receive a reward


If you take off the silencer and report a noisy motorcycle, you can receive a reward

Local governments are
Private businesses that emit more than a certain amount of organic waste resources from the year
From the year onwards, we have to produce a fixed amount of biogas depending on the amount of organic waste resource emissions, and if we fail to do so, we will be fined
Construction machinery has a basis for ordering low-pollution measures like diesel cars now
There is also a basis for local governments to pay rewards if they report and accuse noisy motorcycles by taking off the silencer or noise cover
The Ministry of Environment has proposed the Act on Promotion of the Production and Utilization of Biogas Using Organic Waste Resources and revised the Act on the Promotion of Biogas and the Act on the Conservation of the Air Environment
The reform bill was approved at a plenary session of the National Assembly on the 8th
The amendment to the Air Environment Conservation Act, which passed the plenary session of the National Assembly, established a new regulation that allows local government heads to order owners of old construction machines to switch to low-pollution construction machines or renovate them
There are also grounds for authorities to support early decommissioning or engine replacement for construction machinery
Regulations on low-pollution measures for construction machinery come into effect six months after the law is promulgated
The amendment to the Noise and Vibration Management Act, which includes regulations to prevent noise from motorcycles and other motorcycles, also crossed the threshold of the National Assembly plenary session
This amendment requires the manufacturer of the motorcycle to display the exhaust noise result value on the motorcycle at the time of certification and to prevent the actual motorcycle operation from exceeding 5 decibels
A fine of up to 20 million won will be imposed if the result value of exhaust noise is not displayed or false upon certification
The amendment also included a basis for local governments to pay rewards to those who report and accuse those who removed silencers or noise covers or added horns

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