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German local media reaction


German local media reaction

First of all, Tagesschau, who is famous for neutral and fact-based news
2022 World Cup – Germany, which was humiliated as in the World Cup before Germany was eliminated, is the main decoration of its website
German local media reaction
German local media reaction
German local media reaction
German local media reaction
Germany is out in the group stage again
Kimmich generation still needs to verify their skills, and lead players like Joshua Kimich failed to advance to the finals again, causing controversy over their skills
At the 70th minute, Germany and Spain were eliminated from the preliminaries
Thomas Mueller – Retirement implications Every game I played with a heart of my own
Japan shocked Spain – and Germany too
Cordoba Kazan – And the current most disastrous failures of Qatar’s national team
German local media reaction
I’m so embarrassed! We’re out!
Neuer gets an F!
Mueller Live Goodbye

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