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the importance of control


the importance of control

Exit 1 of Itaewon Station
within a stone’s throw
This accident happened

to Itaewon Street
Make it go straight in
There’s a sudden rush of people
an accident that occurred
the importance of control
If it’s a non-stop car,
Let him come from somewhere else
If you dispersed it,
Much more stable to deal with
the importance of control
Last October 8th
Yeouido Fireworks Festival
the importance of control
on a non-without stopping-with no stopping-with no stopping
dispersing the flow
This part
an important means of control
the importance of control
There are so many
100,000 people gathered
Even when the death toll is huge,
It wasn’t a worrying crowd
The manpower input is
It’s a quarantine station
To prepare for the crowd,
There wasn’t.
I mean, I just stood by and let go of my hands
a confession box

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