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The story of a Japanese woman in her 20s who died in Itaewon


The story of a Japanese woman in her 20s who died in Itaewon

The woman is 26 years old and is from Hokkaido
My father seems to be a city councilor
The father was informed by the Foreign Ministry that his daughter’s fingerprints matched those of the dead
I will visit Korea tomorrow on the 31st after receiving a temporary passport
The woman has been studying in Seoul since June this year
The last time she contacted me was
On the 29th, I’ll go out with my French friend through Line app
According to an interview with a Japanese acquaintance who was interacting with the woman in Seoul,
She worked in Hokkaido for several years
I decided to study at a language school to study Korean
He said that he liked Korea so much that he wanted to stay in Korea for a long time even after studying abroad
So I actually got a working holiday visa and thought about staying for another year
I’ve said many times that I wanted to work hard in Korea
And she wanted to become fluent in Korean. She had a strong passion
Of all the deaths, there’s no such thing is,
He loved the country, so he quit his job and made his dream come true
It’s a heartbreaking story
But the article says the real names of the victim and her father
There are also comments pointing out the ethics of reporting

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