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Why on earth don’t the Irish pay tribute to the Queen of England?


Why on earth don't the Irish pay tribute to the Queen of England?

Why on earth don't the Irish pay tribute to the Queen of England?
Did the British sell the Irish as white slaves?
Did you make a new term of white cargo to distinguish that you are not the same white person?
Did a man exploit a peasant and play with a woman and a child as a sex slave?
The child born by the sexual slavery is the owner, and he said he liked it because his wealth gave birth to his wealth
You’ve colonized Ireland for 800 years and you’ve tried to exterminate the people
When Ireland starved to death because there were no potatoes, did Britain, whose staple food was meat, even plunder the remaining wheat?
Three such famines occurred because of England, and 25 of the population starved to death
In retaliation for Ireland’s independence movement, did Britain shoot live bullets at unarmed Irish civilians and execute them?
Did the Queen of England award medals herself to the soldiers who slaughtered the Irish civilians?
Have you ever set up a car bomb attack in Ireland’s largest city, killing civilians?
The Irish are going on a hunger strike in their cells, and they let it go until they starve
There are so many stolen goods in the British Museum that I can’t get the entrance fee
I don’t know why you’re laughing at me without paying tribute

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