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The most promising boxer in the boxing world.jpgif


The most promising boxer in the boxing world.jpgif

Name – Jared Big Baby Anderson
Nationality – United States
Date of Birth – November 16, 1999
Height – 193cm
Rich – 199cm
Weight – Heavyweight
Stance – Osodox
Professional – 11 out of 11 wins 11 KO

I won two gold medals at the National Championship and chewed it up
3 years since my professional debut
12 games and KO wins in all games
He’s really fast and has good basic skills for a heavyweight
The most promising boxer in the boxing world.jpgif
Rumours are circulating that he downed Tyson Fury in sparring
The most promising boxer in the boxing world.jpgif
Bob Aram of Top Rank, the godfather of American professional boxing, is pushing
American nationality, heavyweight, likable appearance, outstanding skills, etc
He’s a player with a lot of box office elements and is drawing attention locally

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