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Let’s clear up common misunderstandings about sashimi


Natural ones taste better when you eat sashimi Western food tastes better Don’t eat raw fish on a rainy day Sashimi tastes good when you’re alive There’s a lot of talk about this and that, and I’d like to find out how far it’s going to be
Natural food tastes better

These days, Western culture technology is advanced, so Western culture is guaranteed to taste as good as natural food But it won’t be worth rubbing against the natural ones in seasonally
But natural products have a strong feeling of gambling As natural as they are, they have no one to feed, which means they have to survive on their own
Seasonal fish that are well fed are delicious because they gain weight and lose oil, but those who don’t are not delicious
But the signs are in season, so they sell at a high price, but they can be distinguished by the naked eye
The biggest problem is when you’re in a tank, and if you’re in a tank, you’re gonna have to put it in a tank, display it, and sell it
Seasonal fish that were in the aquarium for two to four days are affected by the stress and the meat quality It’s going to be really dry if you try it, but you don’t know until you try it, so you have to buy it at a high price
If you choose well, you can’t eat well, but if you don’t have an eye for it, it’s more of a gamble Well, there are a lot of conscientious businessmen, so you don’t have to worry too much
In conclusion, if you’re not confident about buying natural food, it’s better to eat Western food. Of course, Western food is better to eat seafood, not fish in season
You have to eat raw fish when you’re alive

There’s a lot of opposition to this, too It’s not desirable to eat it when you’re alive This means that aged sashimi is delicious
It’s not that good if you cook sashimi and ripen it in the refrigerator for a few hours
If you eat raw fish right away, it won’t stiffen after death, so the meat will be tough
I’m sure there are many people who are disappointed because it’s tough when they give you raw fish that you caught at the restaurant
But this is because most restaurants cut raw fish into similar sizes, but you have to slice raw fish thinly if it’s not stiff after death
If you eat live fish sliced raw fish, you will feel the charm of raw fish Some people say it’s better than fermented raw fish
Conclusion – A matter of taste rather than which is better
Don’t eat raw fish on a rainy day

It’s a story based on pseudoscience and a story based on real science
Because it rains, the humidity increases and germs increase, so the sashimi decomposes
In fact, bacterial reproduction has a critical correlation between temperature and time, and humidity is not significantly affected
There’s a story behind that
Once upon a time, when it rained, fishing boats couldn’t go out, and the restaurant had to sell old fish because there were no fresh fish caught on the day
It’s been a while, so it’s definitely not tasty That’s why rumors spread that you shouldn’t eat raw fish when it rains I’m not sure if it’s true or false, but it’s an interesting inference, because these days, the forms are active, so they’re old-fashioned
There’s a really scientific inference that when it rains, the air becomes more dense, so it smells better than usual, which means it’s sensitive to smell
I’m sure you all have experienced the smell of dirt better than usual when it rains
If you go to the restaurant in this state, you will definitely lose your appetite because of the smell of the building itself, the smell of people, the smell of fish, and so on top of that
So naturally, you can’t taste raw fish well, so you feel it’s not good But these days, there’s air conditioning and home appliances to remove moisture, so this is also an old saying
Conclusion – it’s all in the past
You have to sprinkle lemon on the fish

There are some people who have a compulsion to eat fish with lemon
It’s kind of a ritual that’s done in the name of catching fishy smell, but fresh sashimi doesn’t smell fishy
If it smells fishy, it’s a raw fish that’s not fresh, so it might be better to sprinkle lemon on the merchant’s eyes than on the fish
If you sprinkle lemon, the taste of raw fish will be reduced
Lemon is acidic, so raw fish will oxidize it
If you sprinkle lemon on the sashimi and talk with your friends, you will see the sashimi oxidized white
The texture is really bad, so if you chew raw fish, you can be chewed by your friends, so it’s an act of avoiding it
I put it in to add freshness to the sashimi, not just to catch the fishy smell
In that case, I recommend that you just sprinkle it on your face You can mix it with your own soy sauce
Conclusion – Let’s decide whether to pour or dip Tangsuyuk or raw fish
This solved the misunderstandings about sashimi It’s summer, so be careful when you eat sashimi

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