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The size of the universe that we find out for fun…jpg


The size of the universe that we find out for fun...jpg

The size of the universe that we find out for fun...jpg
This reminds me of Carl Sagan’s pale blue dot.
Here it is.
This is our hometown.
This is us.
All the people we love.
everyone we know
Everyone you’ve heard of.
All the people who were there in the past…
I enjoyed my life here.
All our joys and pains.
countless religions full of conviction
economic doctrine
all hunters and looters
All the heroes and the coward.
creator and destroyer of civilization
king and farmer
young lovers in love
All the fathers and mothers.
hopeful children
inventor and explorer
all moral teachers
all corrupt politicians
All superstars.
all the supreme leaders
All the saints and sinners in human history
I lived here on the dust of floating dust in the sun’s
The earth is too small a stage in the vast space of the universe.
in the name of victory and glory
Consider the history of blood shown by many conquerors in history who tried to occupy a small part of this.
The people who lived in the corner of this small dot,
Think of the cruelty shown to those who lived in almost indistinguishable corners.
How often did we misunderstand each other?
We’ve been trying so hard to kill each other.
Think about how deep that hatred was.
If you look at this small dot,
We have no choice but to doubt those who claim that we are in the chosen place of the universe.

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