Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha


It’s for reading.I’ve seen you on a walk.Shower…-
I love you…-

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
Ma’am. I’m coming backComplaint!”Gu” (a Korean pun)I’m going to the internet cafe again. Where are you going?

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
Finally, it’s the day of a showdownToday, Keyamura will be sued by me.A complaint.He’s so powerful.The seat, the curse, the capture…

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
Beautiful and sound at the national level.I want to be remembered as a righteous event to create a cyber world.
The haters! I’m here to sue you!The reception desk.Fill out the paper here.
Compared to when I calmly wrote the 2002 CSAT answer sheet,I focused and wrote down the atrocities of malicious comments.24
It’s a very insulting speech.2

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
If Mr. Moo collapses and he stays up all night in shock,
I want the punishment that belongs to me.It’s complete! It’s flawless at all!It’s a complaint.A complaint.12
torn out
If you look at this, you’ll want to investigate it, and you won’t be able to get through it.

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
With the excitement of meeting Keyamura soon,I submitted my artwork to the detective in charge.
Cyber investigation team.Company A.

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
The haters just said they left the membership.Yes.Then, you can’t catch it.
The law changed this time, so if I withdraw from the membership, I delete my personal information right away.

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
No way! Detective, it’s a lie.
That’s right.Complaint!=
Unfortunately, as of now,
There’s no way.I didn’t know that Korea’s cyber investigation power was this backward.

Calm manwooha that was savory by calm manwooha
10 minutes of correct way to sue >
I found a malicious comment, haha I’m suing it → suing it~If you write a complaint first, it’s hard to run away or erase traces.
I found a malicious comment and filed a complaint.Correct way
Because I already identified myself while the investigation was already in place,
Even if I erase the traces late, the investigation proceeds
Let’s do it together!
If you just do it like this, you’re also the king of heights!

For your information, if you go with a lawyer, the investigator might say something different.

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