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Japan’s minimum wage system and its harmful effects.jpg


Japan's minimum wage system and its harmful effects.jpg

1. Japan’s minimum wage varies from region to region. I’m going to bring the data later, but the feeling is bigger than the data.2 This reflects the policy nature of the Japanese government, and
they argue that it is possible to attract companies to the provinces because wages are cheap because prices will be low.449 AM March 12, 2022 – Twitter Web App
1556 Retweet 37. Tweets cited
388. I like it.
Go!- March 12th.Reply to you
3 In fact, the departure of young people was noticeable, the local economy was smashed, and the price of administrative services that differed by local government began to differ more than anything else.
Whether to install water tax city gas or not, there is not much city gas in the provinces, such as public transportation such as buses, garbage pay-as-you-go bags, etc., support for families with children, etc.t2 1381
♡ 343
– March 12
4 Tokyo is mostly above the minimum wage no matter what you do. Kind of a virtuous cycle
There are many people – there are more jobs, wages rise – prices rise
0 871
♡ 261
– March 12th.Five provinces are the opposite, so everything is a vicious cycle.The minimum wage applies to salaries as it is. Why do you know that? Because I’ve seen “Live”.
0 911
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– On March 12th,
6th, I found a job in Mohyeon’s poem, but it wasn’t there.
That’s why I really relied on Hello Walk. If there was nothing else, there were two companies that sent office workers other than daily workers, the biggest poem in the prefecture was
0 465
-March 12th
7 The annual salary I received in Tokyo is not 500s high, but as soon as I came to the province, I met 120,000 yen a salary for office workers.
This is on the notice.
Other than that, I really didn’t have a job.1
0 703
♡ 216
– On March 12th
8th, I was hit hard because I was a foreigner, but everyone said the same thing,
An acquaintance who returned to the provinces due to parental care in Tokyo said,
Honey, your salary is lower than when you were a freshman 20 years ago.01
0 624
♡ 216
– On March 12th,
9 Local infrastructure was destroyed, but the local government didn’t have enough money to draw a line on the road. It’s not a line that reflects even at night, so if it rains at night, you can’t see anything.
I remember it’s a two lane.01
0 602
♡ 235
– On March 12th,
10 There are many small mansion apartments that use propane without much city gas, but there are not many large mansion complexes. All building keys are low. I used them without knowing it, and gas costs 30,000 yen a month.21
0 415
♡ 177
mame2mame7mame On March 12th, when we talked about this place, everyone told me to live cold. It’s because of the high heating cost. It’s snowing all the way down here, so I can’t stand it, so I’ll turn it on and pay 30,000 yen for gas.Nose 9
0 361

– On March 12th, the metropolitan area is not a garbage pay-as-you-go system, so they just throw it away in a transparent bag. The amount of money varies from local government to local government. But this name is 4-500 yen for plastic pet bottles.01
– On March 12th
12th, just before our death, our great Japanese politicians made
privateization, so the trains are only one per hour, and Patsumona Suika can’t be used
even these stations don’t have much money to maintain the station.01
0 540
♡ 186
– On March 12th, the
14 bus is really expensive because it goes to all sorts of places with a deficit of two generations per hour.15 There is no infrastructure and no young people, so companies do not come, of course, it is hard to call them friends in a vicious cycle, but if they were in their 50s and 60s, they would be in their 40s if they were young.1
1 428
-On March 12th,
17th, I talked about 120,000 yen in annual salary, but the real income is less than 100,000 yen. If you’re a female
male, you won’t go up here.
male, you have to take care of your family. You don’t know if you don’t see it.01
22 485
– On March 12th
18th, young people can’t stand independence
Simply because they don’t have money, so the gap between rich and poor seems severe even from them,
having a lot of inheritance from their parents.Living together in a parent’s house and literally receiving financial support It’s a city world in Korea, and prayer is very similar here.01
High school 444 고193
– On March 12th,
19 Local governments naturally lack support if they don’t have money. Medical expenses provided to their children are also different from the types of vaccinations that are free of charge, but what they used to do is to move out and experience free of charge.01
0 350
20 childcare policy on March 12th is not a house that earns a lot of money, but the child daycare center is charged 70,000 yen each, but it’s meaningless to earn because the salary is low. It’s a mass production system for mothers who can’t return to society until the child turns three years old.01
21 350
– Most of the cultural differences between Korea and Japan on March 12th are ultimately differences in economic power. The young generation has low independence rates, fast marriage, or no way for women to make ends meet.1
0 535
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-March 12th
Anyways, everything in the metropolitan area was different, but Seoul and the provinces I’ve experienced were not to this extent.
22 Japanese privatization is steadily underway, but now it’s so dark that there are no people left in the provinces.01
0 439
– March 12th
23 There’s a huge cultural difference, but Gyeongsangbuk-do in Korea can be seen as an all-regional
body in North Gyeongsang Province. Instead, Netflix doesn’t know much about it, but there were no people around me talking about it when the squid game was in vogue.1
♡ 153
– On March 12th,
24th, all local clinics continued the LDP garden lease, and everyone lived well in the metropolitan area, but few of them live day by day, and among them, it’s hard to save and save women.1
1 299
– Due to the situation on March 12th
25th, the wedding culture is different. People participate in wedding halls in Japan, but they can’t do this depending on their rooms. So, like in Korea, 5,000-1
per person is a congratulatory money.1
0 274
♡ 131


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