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A company lunch table.


A company lunch table.

For lunch during the week, the staff…Round table 1202203070824
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It’s a lunch table for our company staff.In the past, there were about 10 employees, but due to COVID-19, the number of employees decreased to 4 and we’re preparing lunch.
While passing by Baffle,20220310 1419
If you really don’t want to eat it, you only put a few side dishes on repeat. There are 4 people, but sometimes you can’t eat 4 kkakdugi. Do you brag about this? They only give you a lot of rice.Please pay attention to the staff’s food.No matter how expensive it is, how can you tell me to work while giving it to you?Baffle 00
20220310 1433
Since all 4 adults have to eat together on that small table, you must want to eat separately. Then you can choose a menu that you like.Baffle haha20220310 1413
Do you only eat rice and soup? The side dishes are so poor. What do you mean side dishes for rice soup? ㅠㅠ There’s not enough meat or sweet things to be the main dish. If it’s free, I’ll just eat it cheaply, but I think it’s better to buy it outside ㅠㅠ
I…20220310 1447 A
13 11
Aside from the type of side dishes, the amount of side dishes is small, but the award is as narrow as rice and soup without side dishes. Should we eat with sesame seeds or chopsticks? The second fourth picture is the same. If I don’t have anything around me, I can’t help it.Reply 0
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20220310 1536 A
120 years.The amount of side dishes is not enough. Just pay for the meal. As if you’re trying to save money.Reply 0
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Yes, 2022031014510
12 10
I want to believe that a plate of pork cutlet is a diet menu. And I’m stressed just sitting next to him and watching him without a lot of stress.Reply 0
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It’s…20220310 1512 A
11 10
Did you post this to get compliments because you think you’re good at taking care of him?Reply…Reply writing


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