A company with high overtime pay vs a company with moderate salary and work-life balance.

A company with high overtime pay vs a company with moderate salary and work-life balance.

Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?It’s big.Ki, Yi, Yi…Social life.Oh my god.High communication is good.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
312 vs MZ5LE ZICHQIL 1771
Will the senior team be full? YES 선배Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?SHE RIE ANO.Circle house.Youth Counseling Project
YoungGon vs. MZ Are you an oldie?SBS
Lijeong! Choose an annual salary over a knife.Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?If you can be rewarded for your hard work, overtime is okay too.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs. MZ. Are you an old-fashioned LI?MZ defense.Angry opinion
My happiness is much more important than material rewards!
Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?MZ
Angry opinion. Even if I raise my salary, it’s a small difference.Circle house.SBS
Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?MZAL
My junior’s opinion.I want to be guaranteed work-life balance rather than getting that money.
Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?Hm…Successful Times
Most of them are…Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs. MZ. Are you an old-fashioned LI?Successful Times
Senior artist’s opinion.Most of them are…If you want professional success, you have to give up your work-life balance.Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?SBS
We sign a contract for business hours!
He’s so confident.SBS
Circle House Youth Counseling Project
32 vs MZ 522 2049L177
G and
My junior’s opinion.You just have to keep the time set according to the contract.
Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?Medication life…Latte
If you can’t do it in time,Circle house.SBS
Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?It’s latte.The one who can’t do it in time.Withdrawal
Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?I didn’t pick anyone.You picked me after the interview!
Circle House City Youth Counseling Project
2 vs MZ 5122 CHIL177
Social life
I picked the one that guaranteed!Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?Withdrawal
I didn’t pull it out to make you do that’s why!
Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?It’s latte.It’s burning up.Social life.Withdrawal
It’s burning up.There’s something set in one day, right?
Circle house.SBS
Youth Counseling Project
YoungGon vs. MZ Are you an oldie?Radeshef.Social life.If you can’t do this, you might transfer.
Quitting…It’s burning up.6
Circle house.Youth Counseling Project
YoungGon vs. MZ Are you an oldie?SBS
Radeshef.Life…The string is…But I’m looking for complaints…Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Latte chef.Social life.It’s the place where you finish your work in time.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?I’ll wash my handwriting! Since my work hours are over.
Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?It’s a ridiculous Rivin!
It’s burning up.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?I’m thinking about social studies…MZ
He’s so confident.The amount of work you have to do in a day…Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Social life.MZearn
The CEO didn’t pay for it!
Eul House Youth Counseling Project.SBS
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Is that how it works?Successful era.Youth Counseling Project
Thursday House
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?SBS
MZ defense.In the first place,You have to pick someone who can finish it during work hours.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?MZ defense MThe CEO’s ability to find talented people like that!Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?MZ defense.As a representative, LIM…It’s hard to say.If the CEO’s view is wrong,Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?MZ defense.It’s the CEO’s role to bring out TU
skills.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?It’s latte.How can you bring it out when you’re not doing it?Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs. MZ. Are you an old-fashioned LI?Successful generation
I was going to bring it to life, but when I leave work,SB
Youth Counseling Project
Circle House
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Even if the grandfather comes, he can’t do it.Circle house.Youth Counseling Project
312 vs MZELEZCHIL177
Senior artist’s opinion.It’s impossible to improve your work skills without your own efforts.Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?If you didn’t work for a day, you can lower your salary.
Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?I can’t!We signed a contract before time!
Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?Successful Times
I’m stuck in the defense.It’s big.SBS
Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ. Are you a Kkondae LIG?For my career.Like hands-on experience or experience.SBS
Circle house.Youth Counseling Project
YoungGon vs. MZ Are you an oldie?Something you can get at work.There are other things.30
Circle house.SBS
Youth Counseling Project
YoungGon vs. MZ Are you an oldie?To MZ.Work is a simple way to make money.Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?The company also…It’s MZ defense!8
Pabak!Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?An opinion that’s all over the place.It’s MZ defense!I think I only think of it as a tool for working.
Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Latte.Latte.Rade…It’s latte.Circle house.SBS
Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?Other than work…If I have a chance to get the skill,Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?Successful generation
This…Assistant manager.Life is…Let’s not go home.I was going to learn it while reducing my sleep.Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young Gon vs MZ Are you a Kkondae?Senior artist’s opinion.Latte.An opportunity for self-development that you can’t learn even with money!
“Thursday House”SBS
Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?You have to work during working hours!
You can transfer it during working hours.
It’s hard to say.When I was young, when I was young,Circle house.SBS
Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?A good opinion.Pear’s opinion.ISLIDE
It’s self-development outside of work. That’s also work!
Just a little bit.Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?MZ23
I agree with you.Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?SBS
Lijeong.I think it’s right to develop yourself outside of work hours.
Thurl House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?My junior’s opinion.Bird…Only those who want to learn need to teach me.
Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?You can pass on the skills, but you can’t pass on the passion.
Circle house.Youth counseling project
YoungKkondae vs. MZ Are you a Kkondae?Each team’s position is right!
Circle House Youth Counseling Project
Young vs MZ Are you an oldie?1
Kkondae.MZ defense.Allergy…0
Out of nowhere.Raw fish life.It’s not wrong. It’s a different position.

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