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Southeast Asian gangster company.


Southeast Asian gangster company.

News.Radar’s sole overseas power trip POSCO Thailand’s wage delinquency trick and rioting
Koo Teuk.News report
POSCO Thailand’s bizarre power trip
Exclusive News
News.Radar POSCO Thailand Construction Site Resists Overdue Wage of Subcontractors
Subscribe!POSCO steel plate.POSCO
News desk.POSCO Myanmar’s military funding line has been revealed one after another.FUNT
News desk.Main Body Ferre International Amnesty Investigator, Legal Advisor
Myanmar Military Unit and military officials are shareholders of MEHL. And MEHL is working with companies like
POSCO to share profits from joint ventures.
Even the herbicide of death!MBI
Indonesia 인도Papu Island.Report on car Dmbc.News desk.Even the herbicide of death!MI
Dmbc report.News desk.Deborah Rubidus, senior researcher at Mightyus, an international environmental organization, is unique to the palm oil industry. Other companies protected the
environment, but POSCO took the lead in destroying forests.
Even the herbicide of death!Dmbc report.News desk.Deborah Rubidus, senior researcher at Mightyus, an international environmental organization, has already pushed the forest out of most of their farms.And then, I decided to stop destroying the forest.

Southeast Asian gangster company.
POSCO’s general shareholders’ meeting is really shocking.New company, IPqj62
Yesterday…Can we say that Korea’s
representative companies such as POSCO call gangsters to prevent them from entering the general shareholders’ meeting, and
they will present, approve, and rush to the general shareholders’ meeting

Southeast Asian gangster company.


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