Even the world’s strongest U.S. military will be surprised by the North Korean military tactics.

Even the world's strongest U.S. military will be surprised by the North Korean military tactics.

It’s like
2030 Security Generation is here!CHANNEL
North Korean company commander Jeong Minwoo defected from North Korea in 2013
Invasion from North Korea City Expressway Gas Station Rest Area Plan
It’s a weapon battle broadcastingCHANE
North Korean Expressway Tactics
“Use the Central Inland Expressway Invasion from North Korea”Fuel is used at highway gas stations and
food is used at highway restaurants and rest areas.
– Kim Jong Un’s 2015 Unification War Instruction
Jungang Expressway
Recommendation 374
Korea Expressway Corporation
A famous highway rest area restaurant.Expressway and
Jungang Expressway!
One.Heavenly direction.Gangwon rest area.Princess.With thick broth…んおなかが
00th day!Myung!Andongjeon.I’m from Andong, Kanghwa.A woman with a simple heart.One guy…Famous two-way rest area.AND
It’s tiring!Using his own words and scent!
Gastric acid.One.Hall’s
When Im
wasn’t there.THE
Seo Rest Area.Seafood…One.S-OIL-28
S-Oil.No way!1000000
Potatoes.Grilled whole potatoes.POTATO SONO UN
That’s a tactic.

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