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NAVER vs Coupang membership subscriber status.jpg


NAVER vs Coupang membership subscriber status.jpg

Major e-commerce companies, paid membership characteristics
NAVER!Coupang…Gmarket and Auction.O
11th Street SKT.N
Service!Wow, membership.Smile Club.Space pass!Naver Plus
4,900 won per month.The price…4,990 won per month.30,000 won per year.It’s 4,900,9900 won per month.Subscribers
6 million hearts!5 million hearts.3 million!1 million hearts!Characteristic.Maximum amount of payment
5 points.No matter what, it’s free
Delivery return
Cash will be paid.Amazon
Free Shipping
※ The subscriber is presumed to be from the industry.Data = each company 자료

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