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Germany became one in 77 years.


Germany became one in 77 years.

The Prime Minister’s speech was unanimously applauded by the
German Federal Parliament for the first time since World War II.
Erstmals seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fand die Rede des
Ministerprsidenten im Deutschen Bundestag
einstimmigen Beifall
phoenix vor Ort
Olaf Scholz SPD Bundeskanzlera ndestag
Judo-Weltverband suspendiert russischen Staatschef Putin als Ehrenprsident
712 PM – Feb 27 2022 – Twitter for iPhone
Foreign Minister Analena Beervock of the Green Party, who has been advocating pacifist diplomacy, also admitted that Germany’s policy has changed 180 degrees.
She said, “Today, Germany has left the way it used to exercise special self-control
in diplomatic and security policies,” and added, “If the world has changed, our policies must also change.”
Daily Economy
Lukra Invasion, Germany’s Treasury Defense Expense GDP 2
Achieved this year
Enter the article 2022-02-28 1433
When German lawmakers announced on the 27th that Prime Minister Olaf Scholtz would re-employ against Russia,
everyone is giving a standing ovation. Berlin AP Yonhap News Agency


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