A knight who went to save a new ghost princess.

A knight who went to save a new ghost princess.

Gwi-Ee-Gallery.Ears…2022225. The knight who went to save the princess.AT TITE
Hello! I’m the knight of justice!
To save the princess.We’re on our way.boo
You see it, right?I’m going to save Princess
trapped on the top of the tower
5th floor.Then let’s go.(Laughs)Ugh! The smell!6111
There’s a pile of dead bodies in the entrance.
The door is locked, but there’s a master key, so I’m going to get it all.0
Squeak!Excuse me.a
There’s someone there.(Laughs)Monster on the first floor.Grill…Turn it off.Click!While I’m being attacked, I can take selfies with you.It’s easy to grill because it’s slow.(Laughs)Scoop it.Punch!My body is rotten, so I’ll win with my fist.
Rice cake.Peck!And you have to do “
” so that you can’t resurrect.
Dents in my head.Can you see the dented part?
Put a sword here.If you give it to me, I’ll give it to you.In
Land!It’s easy, right? I simply won.(Laughs)Then we’ll go to the 2nd floor.(Laughs)Argh!Boom!Boom!We’re on the 2nd floor. Out of the entrance.It’s very noisy.
Oh my god!Boom!Squeak!What kind of “Monster
” is it?This is!Monster on the 2nd floor.Doom head.Argh!(Screams)It’s Doom Head
Monster, who always groans in pain because my head hurts.
I think the brain keeps growing and the skull is broken.That’s what I think so.
In pain, you grind your teeth and your teeth break.I don’t scratch the wall and leave my fingernails.
Here you go.Then I’ll have to do it comfortably!
Meee…Growl! Bam!1
Crazy Arcade!0
Save me! I’ll heal your head!
Is it really “
“? You’re my “
“.It’s…My hair…Can you fix it?Tow
Of course!It’s Doomhead’s “Imagination in Your Head” because there’s a woodpecker in your head.
What should I do?Should I split my hair and take out the woodpecker?
Oh, my.I’ll trust you. Do whatever you want!
Why do you trust me?
Phew- I’m glad you’re stupid.I don’t think I had a normal accident because of
Let’s go to the 3rd floor!

Like this!Monster on the 3rd floor.Trolls.
Troll. This time, he’s a strong rival.
I’ll be careful.
He’s big.It’s hard to deal with him because he’s muscular and improved.
Oh my god.Boom!Boom!Oh my gosh!Vroom!2
Oh my!It’s
right now!Die!Yes!I’m in trouble! My muscles and fat are thick, including my intestines.I couldn’t reach it!
No way!Crumble!More
All of them.Argh! North Korea!North Korea, North Korea,You cut my hand!
Die, me 죽a0

Save me! I’ll give you a new hand!
Do you have such a talent?
Please give me a chance!
Crack, crack, crack.It’s done. It’s done.I’ll give it to you.!
I appoint you as a filial son.

Good son’s hand.!
Ring, ring.1
But I don’t have the qualifications.I’m a gangster.I’m a bad son!
It’s a gap!Tap!Now,
He’s a good son.Cough!!
Hyuk!Oh my god.Hyuk!HP
Because of the damage, the blood is gradually getting cut.
You have to hurry up and recover
It’s this! The stairs!If you go up the stairs, you’ll get a better lifespan.You all know it, right? It’s a great tip.
Walking on the stairs is the first step in a healthy life Lie 2D step
When you go up one step, your life expectancy is 4 seconds up, 8 seconds
Let’s hurry up and go catch the
Monster on the 4th floor.Colorful.Grinding sound.

A knight who went to save a new ghost princess.
Hahaha silly
human, that’s it for meI can’t believe you’re here.Puppy-gangs.We don’t have time! Hurry up and die!
Cough.I took care of everything.
It’s simple, right?See, see, see, see, see.Kistle
Let’s go to the princess now!
Drink up.Princess!To save him.I’m here!
Oh, my.(Screams)Princess! I’m the driver who came to save you!
It’s okay now!

No, I mean…(Screams)(Screams) [Screaming] [Screaming] [Screaming] [Screaming] [Screaming] [Screaming] [Screaming]
Oh, my.101

What is it?It’s the witch’s fantasy!
You have to get your act together!
Smack!Burn.Oh my god.Pad.Land!Ring, ring, ring ring ring!wy
Push!Oh my god.Phew. It was dangerous.You were a witch disguised as a princess.
Princess is…Where are you trapped?Are they there?Then I’ll look for a different surname.
Knight who went to save the princess 1167 x 909 canvas oil
We…Gwiki.Individual match.Guigui Solo Exhibition
03 31
1200 – 2000
Kwanhoon Gallery
10 Insdong 11gl Jongno-gu Seoul, Jongno-gu, Seoul.Saga
38, Sangang-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. Samyang-ro, Seoul.Punishment.Hello! They’re laughing, everyone!It’s
GwiGwi!I’m greeting you like this because I’m opening my first exhibition!
What’s in my heart?I posted it on my blog yesterday, but I didn’t have a baby to scoop, so I logged in.The exhibition will be held from March 1st to 31st at two
Sagawa Gwanhun Gallery without any closure.Two oil paintings at
Saga, one at Econ, 23 oil paintings at Gwanhoon Gallery, and a silk screen will be displayed.
Please understand that
Kwanhoon Gallery has an admission fee of 10,000 won.
Especially at the entrance,
I’m a big smile!If you shout “
“, you can enter 100
for free. TIN
Thank you!Ears uptarboy

What? Why is this so scary?

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