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Finland and Sweden’s reaction to Russian threats.


Finland and Sweden's reaction to Russian threats.

Alexander Stubb a former prime minister of Finland which has been militarily
neutral since the Cold War said Russia is pushing Finland closer to Nato
membership Closer than ever before
Our security has been partially based on an option to join At this rate we have no
other option but to join
Finlands accession would strengthen the alliance and help keep northern Europe
Nato membership has never enjoyed majority public support in Finland but the
Russian attack on Ukraine has seen a shift in the mood
Ms Marin who was previously an opponent to joining the alliance now argues the
debate over membership is set to change
After the Russian threat against Helsinki one Finnish television channel asked
members of the public how they wanted to respond to Vladimir Putin the Russian
president One simply offered a middle-finger saluteFinland’s former Prime Minister Russia is making Finland join NATO more than ever. In this situation, we have no other option but to join NATO. Finland’s joining
Nato will strengthen the alliance and help Northern Europe remain stable.
– Finland’s accession to NATO was not previously supported by the Finnish people, but the atmosphere changed due to the Russian attack on Ukraine
– A Finnish woman who opposed joining NATO now says the controversy over joining NATO has changed
After Russia threatened Finland over joining NATO, a Finnish broadcaster asked the public what they wanted to say to
Putin, and one raised his middle finger and said, “This is it!”

Finland and Sweden's reaction to Russian threats.
Ryssland varnar fr svensk Natoanslutning
En eventuell Nato-anslutning frn Sverige eller Finland skulle leda till
ett allvarligt svar frn Moskva Det sa Maria Zakharova talesperson fr
det- Alla Osse-lnder inklusive Finland och Sverige har godknt principen att en
stats skerhet inte fr byggas p bekostnad av andra lnders skerhet Om
Finland och Sverige ansluter sig tHon beskrev vidare hur Ryssland betraktade den finska regeringens
engagemang fr en militr alliansfri politik som en viktig faktor fr att garantera
skerhet och stabilitet i norra Europa
Sveriges statsminister Magdalena Andersson adresserade de ryska uttalandena
under en presstrff tillsammans med B Micael Byden p
– Jag vill vara oerhrt tydlig Det r Sverige som sjlva och sjlvstndigt beslutar
om vr skerhetspolitiska linje sger Magdalena Andersson
Swedish Prime Minister. I want to clarify this. Our security policy is decided by ourselves.
Swedish Prime Minister also gave Russia a hard time.

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