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Legendary of my life.


Legendary of my life.

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Catholic Kwandong University.0
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15살 겨울 원조교제로 용돈벌기시작
16살부터 학교 제대로 안가고 놀러다I took a year off from high school when I was 19, went to a motel at 20, didn’t go to school, met my boyfriend, woke up around the evening, went back to the club, and played 20 times with my friends.I didn’t take the CSATs one by one, but I just took a line of good sleep and didn’t count how many questions I had.When I turned 21, my parents looked it up in college, and they could go to a beauty department.I was tired of playing in college for a month or two, and then I stayed up all night at an internet cafe for 3 days. I was so happy to see you in Gangnam since the 2nd semester. Let’s hang out with Jiro for a few days.AL II
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Legendary of my life.
308 4
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Catholic Kwandong University.0
I was 22 years old at the store and got into debt, but I decided to go to Le Gangnam
to work, but I just tried to stop the store ladies from going to Gangnam
. I worked for over half a year, but suddenly I got sick of it.I was washing cigarettes like that, but my older sister’s husband,
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnI ran out of money, so I went to my crazy hoppa’s wife’s house, took out my deposit, so I lived a couple of days without money, but my sisters said that I was a thief and I was like a dog.Rain.And around November, when I was 22 years old, I didn’t realize that I was already a college student. I didn’t think about it. I was really nice. I lived with him for a year and he said he was a pastor, so I asked him why he was so nice.I ALL Lerl11
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Legendary of my life.
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Free bulletin board
Catholic Kwandong University.
When I met him, I never cheated on him. When I went to work for a year, I followed him around at home and my mind was purified so I wouldn’t recognize him. I promised to run away again and live a normal life. Then, he left my house.And now he ran away from home and said, “I had a relationship with him when I was 20 years old. I got some presents and dumped him when I was 20 years old. He was smoking in front of my house.”When I went home after running home, I suddenly got suicidal and called him to come and live when I was working in Gangnam, but I was really going to do that this time, and now I’ve been living with him for a month, but it’s just today.Enter anonymous comments.

Legendary of my life.
308 7
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Free bulletin board.Catholic Kwandong University
He’s a hawk 1! That’s deep. He read my diary last week, and before I came here, he asked me if I came to him, but I barely passed it over with a kakaotalk that he learned at the bar, but he just said sorry.I think there will be people who won’t believe me because I think my life is a bit fake. Pure
100% real and there’s no adaptation. I’m in my mid-20s, too. I’m afraid it’ll be hard to get married if I get older. I’m going to get married this time. Really…1 146 0
♧ I agree ♧Scrap.Apple Watch Series 7
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