Short track speed skating Lee Jun Seo uploaded a video of him being 51 years old. elimination

Lee Joon-seo 22, a member of the national short track speed skating team in E-Daily’s Jung Si-nae, put the scene on his YouTube video, but deleted this part and uploaded it again after criticism arose.
Jjamjjami’ is a word that refers to match-fixing or design in which several players form a team and intentionally push a player from the same team.
At that time, Kim Dong-wook and Park In-wook were competing for national team points with only one spot left. When Park In-wook took the lead during the game, Hwang Dae-heon marked Park In-wook, followed by the remaining four players, Jun-seo, Kim Dong-wook, Park Jang-hyuk, and Han Seung-soo.
Park In-wook, who lagged behind the lead, was eliminated from the national team with fifth place. Hwang Dae-heon, who met all the national team points at the time of the game, came in last.
In addition, after the game, except for Park In-wook, the rest of the players gave high fives and held hands to express joy, raising suspicions that five players may have made time to exclude Park In-wook.

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